Alternative RMM Detection Script

To help identify potential business opportunities, you may want to know if your clients are using an alternative RMM solution. The following VBScript queries the system for indicators of alternative RMM agents, and generates a failure if alternative RMM agents are detected.

Copy and paste the following script into a file with a VBS extension, add it to the All Devices view, and deploy it as a Script Check or Automated Task.

If you are adding the script as a Script Check, we recommend you use a 24x7 check to avoid the script showing in any Client-facing Reports.


On Error Resume Next

strComputer = "."

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service",,48)


For each objItem in colItems

 'Labtech Check

 If (objItem.Name = "LTService") Then

         CompCnt = CompCnt+1

         If (objItem.Started = "False") Then

                 Wscript.Echo "Labtech instance found and service is not running!"


                 Wscript.Echo "Labtech instance found and service is running!"

         End If

 End If

 'N-Able Check

 If (objItem.Name = "Windows Agent Service") Then

         CompCnt = CompCnt+1

         If (objItem.Started = "False") Then

                 Wscript.Echo "N-Able  instance found and service is not running!"


                 Wscript.Echo "N-Able instance found and service is running!"

         End If

 End If

 'Kaseya Check

 If (objItem.DisplayName = "Kaseya Agent") Then

         CompCnt = CompCnt+1

         If (objItem.Started = "False") Then

                 Wscript.Echo "Kaseya instance found and service is not running!"


                 Wscript.Echo "Kaseya instance found and service is running!"

         End If

 End If

 'AVG/Level Platforms Check

 If (objItem.DisplayName = "MWExpertSystem") Then

         CompCnt = CompCnt+1

         If (objItem.Started = "False") Then

                 Wscript.Echo "AVG/LPI instance found and service is not running!"


                 Wscript.Echo "AVG/LPI instance found and service is running!"

         End If

 End If

 'Continuum Check

 If (objItem.DisplayName = "SAAZServerPlus") Then

         CompCnt = CompCnt+1

         If (objItem.Started = "False") Then

                 Wscript.Echo "Continuum Instance found and service is not running!"


                 Wscript.Echo "Continuum Instance found and service is running!"

         End If

 End If                


If (CompCnt = 0) Then

 Wscript.Echo "No Alternative RMM Agents Detected"




End If