What's new in N-sight RMM
Product Management release notes blogs
To read the latest release information directly from our Product Managers, see their release notes blogs. To stay up to date with the latest changes, enter your email address on the blog page to receive email notifications of new posts.
Feature lists, updates, and fixes by component
Features and enhancements
Mac Agent v3.9.6 Release Candidate | 11 December 2024
We added a new Mac Agent Release Candidate, v3.9.6, with support for macOS15 (Sequoia) for Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR).
Take Control Multi-Monitor support | 6 December 2024
Take Control in N-sight now fully supports multi-monitor remote access sessions. When you're helping a user who's using more than one monitor, you can view and select which monitor to engage with during the session. See Multi-Monitor support.
Assets view for technicians (Beta) | 2 December 2024
Running on the powerful new Ecoverse architecture, Assets view is designed to enhance technician workflows and help users resolve IT issues more efficiently. In the Assets view you can identify assets, view important device details, and use the Actions menu to efficiently re-mediate within the screen using Take Control.
- Windows servers and workstations from Server 2016 and Windows 10 and later are supported.
- All Linux servers are supported
- A device must have been online in recent days to show in the Assets view.
- Support for Apple Mac is coming soon.
This is a beta release, and we'll continuously enhance the view with more data and new features, such as a reboot action and the ability to save custom views.
See the Product Management release blog at N-sight: Introducing an All-New Assets View for Technicians or view the latest documentation: Assets view (preview).
Device Management for Apple: FileVault Management | 12 November 2024
With FileVault Management, you can now:
Easily Enable and Enforce Encryption: Protect your organization’s data by enabling FileVault encryption across all macOS devices, ensuring compliance and data security.
Monitor Encryption Status: Gain real-time visibility into the encryption status of each device, making it simple to verify compliance and pinpoint any issues.
Manage Recovery Keys: Generate and retrieve recovery keys, allowing secure access to encrypted devices if needed.
Windows Agent release candidate v10.14.4 | 4 November 2024
We added a new Windows Agent release candidate v10.14.4 that includes improvements to the Agent update process to ensure all workstations and servers can successfully upgrade to the latest Agent version. We encourage you to update your sandbox devices to the new RC Agent as we move towards making v10.14.4 generally available.
Take Control for Mac | 31 October 2024
The Take Control integrated Mac Agent was enhanced to improve overall performance, stability, and function.
Linux Agent general availability v2.2.0 | 21 October 2024
Release candidate v2.2.0 moved to general availability.
Linux Agent release candidate v2.2.0 | 7 October 2024
We added a new Linux Agent release candidate v2.2.0, which supports the main Linux distributions and includes the following improvements:
- UPDATE: Added support for ethernet interfaces prefixed with "enx" in the Performance Monitoring Check (Network).
- UPDATE: Default Installation Template no longer re-applied during agent upgrade process.
Here are the Linux distributions we tested with this agent:
- RHEL 8
- RHEL 9
- CentOS Stream 9
- Fedora 40
- SLE 12 SP5
- SLE 15 SP6
- openSUSE Leap 15.6
- Debian 11
- Debian 12
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Amazon Linux 2
Device Inventory: Row density and scrolling improvements | 2 October 2024
We added options to choose compact or tiny Device Inventory rows so you can see more devices at a time, and we eliminated the double scrolling bar to create a smoother user experience. Don't forget, you can also turn off the charts at the top of the Device Inventory to maximize space for your devices list. See Device Inventory.
Date filter added to Device Inventory | 18 July 2024
You can now filter by date in the date columns (last response, OS install date, device scan time and device added time) and within the filter builder, using calendar selection and logical operators.
With the calendar selection you can choose a specific date, and using the logical operators you can select different time frames with the calendar picker. For example, you can specify ‘between’ certain dates, or greater than/less than a specific date.
See Filter using the Date picker and Column search combinations.
Added Ctrl+A function to select all in the North-pane | 18 July 2024
You can now select all rows in the North-pane on the All Devices view by selecting Ctrl+A. All the devices in the North-pane highlight blue when selected.
Left navigation changes | 18 July 2024
We changed the following labels in the Left navigation in preparation for a new Assets Helpdesk View that is currently in development:
- Assets is now All Devices view
- Asset Inventory is now Device Inventory
Restored Sophos Monitoring in Antivirus Check | 18 July 2024
We restored the Sophos Monitoring Antivirus Update Check for servers and workstations within N-sight. Please note that for Windows workstations, our new Microsoft Security Center AV check is our recommended solution.
The Sophos Monitoring check updates in place. No changes or manual interventions are required to update.
New automated tasks for Apple | 18 July 2024
We added the following system automated tasks for Apple devices, focused on software installation.
- Disable Gatekeeper
- Enable Gatekeeper
- Gatekeeper Status Checks (see 24x7 and Daily Safety Checks)
- Install Application(s) using Installomator
- Install Application from URL
- Reset Print Queue
For instructions to add system automated tasks, see Add an Automated Task.
Apple DMA: New device drill-down view | 4 July 2024
We updated Device Management for Apple (DMA) to include a new device drill-down view that includes device, network, and adapter properties, and device summary, command log, profiles, and apps. From the Devices tab, you can view information, and take actions, for a specific device. See View device details.
OS Install Date column added to the Device Inventory | 21 June 2024
We updated the Device Inventory to include an OS Install Date column so it's easy to see when the OS upgrade was deployed. See Monitor using Device Inventory.
Filter builder now includes "OR" queries | 21 June 2024
The Device Inventory's search function is enhanced to include Boolean OR and NOT functions. You can now also group filter options for further refinement. See Build complex filters for Device Inventory.
New automated tasks for Apple | 21 June 2024
We added the following system automated tasks for Apple devices to make it easier to configure firewall settings and to start and stop Time Machine Backup.
- Disable Firewall
- Enable Firewall
- Firewall Status script checks (see 24x7 and Daily Safety Checks)
- Start Time Machine Backup
- Stop Time Machine Backup
For instructions to add system automated tasks, see Add an Automated Task.
VSS Monitoring for SentinelOne | 21 June 2024
We updated the VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) Monitoring of VSS snapshots associated with SentinelOne EDR Agents. Use check alerts to be notified about issues related to VSS snapshots, allowing for proactive response and mitigation.
In the Americas regions, some existing devices with EDR already installed will have the VSS check added in the near future. Existing devices in other regions, and devices that are newly enrolled in EDR, have the check added automatically.
Live two-way User Chat added for macOS devices | 15 May 2024
Two-way User Chat is now available for macOS devices. User Chat enables you to connect with a customer directly using a two-way chat, without having to start an active remote-control session. See User Chat.
Save Custom Views option added to the Device Inventory | 15 April 2024
In the Device Inventory, you can already create device lists for different use cases and workflows. Now you can save these custom views for easy one-click retrieval the next time you want the same view. This saves time and effort, allowing you to get on with the job at hand, instead of spending time recreating the same views each time. See Save custom Device Inventory views.
Improved Automated Tasks output | 21 March 2024
We added improved messaging when an automated task script fails with the error message, Invalid Script Parameters. Now more useful information is provided to help diagnose and resolve issues with scripts or endpoints. On the South-pane Tasks tab, click the link in the Output column to see more of the failed script's output. Here's an example of the improved messaging:
New columns added to the Device Inventory | 21 March 2024
The Device Inventory is updated with five new columns: MAC address, BIOS, Asset added time, External IP address, and Asset age. See Monitor using Device Inventory.
Device Management for Apple UI update | 12 March 2024
Tabs in Device Management for Apple (DMA) are renamed and their order across the page is changed. Profile Deployment is changed to Devices and is automatically open when you open DMA. Profile Library is changed to Profiles, and Apple Business Manager is changed to Auto-enrollment.
The tab functions remain the same. The Device Management for Apple section is updated with these UI changes.
Edit the alert policy for EDR checks | 29 February 2024
You can now set your preferred global alert settings for EDR checks by changing the alert settings at a policy level. The EDR Agent Health Status and EDR Threat Status checks are grouped under one Integration Check. See Configure the default alert policy.
Updated Microsoft Security Center check | 5 January 2024
We added the option to exclude Windows Defender (enabled by default) when you add the Antivirus Update Check with Microsoft Security Center. This option ensures you are alerted if a third-party antivirus product is either not installed or has been removed.
For more information, see Antivirus Update Check - Microsoft Security Center.
New interactive charts for Asset Management | 15 December 2023
We added interactive charts at the top of the Device Inventory. The charts make it easier for you to see your managed devices' operating systems, operating system versions, models, and RAM sizes. Now, in addition to filtering your Device Inventory using the table options, you can also select chart elements to filter on multiple data points.
For example, you can filter RAM sizes to find underpowered devices, filter for a specific customer, and then export to CSV to incorporate the data into device lifecycle reports.
For more information, see Filter Device Inventory.
macOS Sonoma support | 5 December 2023
The Mac Agent now supports macOS Sonoma (macOS 14). For the list of supported macOS versions, see Supported operating systems: macOS.
Integrated Take Control update | 5 December 2023
The Integrated Take Control Windows Agent 7.50.04 includes fixes and updates to enhance the overall performance and user experience. The mechanism responsible for cleaning up common log folders in the agent is refined for improved efficiency. The automatic re-installation process for the Take Control Agent service is enhanced to ensure seamless functionality. When the Take Control Agent is uninstalled, you can now view the “Uninstall Reason” in the local Windows Events.
Updated Microsoft Security Center check | 5 December 2023
We implemented new logic and changes to the Antivirus Update Check with Microsoft Security Center. The check pass / fail criteria is now stricter—the new logic means any product returned by the check that is either out of date or disabled causes the check to fail. This new logic addresses situations where a partner may have both antivirus and EDR solutions installed but both products report as antivirus in the Microsoft Security Center.
For more information, see Antivirus Update Check - Microsoft Security Center.
New Automated Tasks for endpoint security | 10 October 2023
We added the following popular scripts from the Automation Cookbook to the All Devices view to make them easier to deploy.
- Enable BitLocker
- Monitor BitLocker (added as a script check)
- BitTorrent Detection and Mitigation
- Workstation Secure Settings Maintenance
- Enable TLS 1.2
Device Inventory improved filtering | 10 October 2023
We added column searching to the RAM column, and you can now add RAM when you user filter builder. Filtering on RAM can make it easier to find underpowered devices. For more information, see Build complex filters for Device Inventory.
Device Inventory improved export and filtering | 12 September 2023
When you export Device Inventory you can export all asset data to Excel, or only data from currently selected columns. This means you don’t have to temporarily switch columns back on when you want to export all the data. For more information, see Export Device Inventory.
We added column searching to the Asset Name and IP Address columns, and you can now add Asset Name and IP Address when you user filter builder. For more information, see Build complex filters for Device Inventory.
Device Inventory added | 5 September 2023
We are on a path to improve and modernize the N-sight RMM user experience, and our first step is to add an Device Inventory.
The Device Inventory enables you to view, filter, and search data for servers and workstations. After you search and filter to display the device lists you need, you can export the data to Microsoft Excel or view the devices pre-filtered in the All Devices view.
Use the Device Inventory charts and table options to:
- Select one or more chart elements to filter on multiple data points.
- Filter or sort by columns or use the more detailed Filter Builder options.
- Search for a specific device using the search box or use the column searches to find groups of devices.
- Choose the columns to display, drag and drop columns to move, and fix columns to the right or left.
The last filters and settings you use in Device Inventory are present the next time you open it. Select Clear at the top right of the data table to reset to the default Device Inventory view.
For more information, see Device Inventory.

Hornetsecurity support added in Windows Backup check | 28 August 2023
The latest Windows agent release candidate, v10.13.8 RC, adds support for the Hornetsecurity VM Backup in our Windows Backup check. Hornetsecurity VM Backup is effectively a version update to Altaro Hyper-V Backup in our list of 3rd party backup products, after the latter was acquired by the former. Altaro remains in our selectable product list to maintain support for previous versions. For more information, see Hornetsecurity VM Backup.
Access to Subscription Management Portal | 22 August 2023
The Subscription Management Portal shows your usage details for each of your N-able product subscriptions, and how that usage impacts your invoices. When you have the required Subscription Management Portal N-sight RMM permissions, you can access it directly from N-sight RMM. For more information, see Subscription Management Portal.
Improvements to the Antivirus Update Check | 1 August 2023
You can now select 'Microsoft Security Center' in the Antivirus Update Check for Windows workstations to monitor any installed third-party antivirus products. This means you can use this new option to monitor any installed antivirus solution without the need for ongoing reactive updates when vendors update their endpoint solutions. For more information, see Antivirus Update Check - Microsoft Security Center.
Automated Tasks now run in near real time | 1 August 2023
When you run Automated Tasks on demand, you can now see the output of the script in near real-time — typically within 20 seconds or so, depending on how long the script itself takes to run.
This means you have faster QA cycle when you test new scripts, and you can confirm more quickly if a script has done its job when resolving customer issues and any other automation related tasks.
If the real-time connection to the endpoint is not available when you run the Automated Task on demand, it falls back to use a 5 minute check-in cycle. This is still much quicker than the previous process, which relied on the 24×7 Check Cycle and often took 30 minutes or more to show the results.
For more information, see Run Automated Task On demand.
Improved time zone handling for reboots | 1 August 2023
To help remove ambiguity when you schedule an upcoming reboot on multiple devices, the devices’ UTC offset displays in the confirmation dialog for reboot. It helps identify devices that may be behind or ahead of the selected date, so you can adjust the selection and apply a modified, appropriate schedule to devices in different time zones. For more information, see Reboot devices now or later.
Usability improvement for Outage History | 1 August 2023
The Start Date and Finish Date columns on the Outage History tab in a Check’s ‘More information’ dialog are widened and no longer cut off the timestamp. It means you are saved the hassle of having to manually widen the columns each time to see the time information.
Easier access to Cove Data Protection (Cove) | 1 August 2023
The Product Bar is updated to include a Cove icon to easily move from N-sight RMM to Cove. It works the same as the Take Control and MSP Manager Quick links in the Product Bar. By default, Client and Standard user roles cannot see the Cove icon, but you can show or hide it for Custom Roles. For more information, see the General section on Default system roles and their permissions.
New Resource Center | 22 June 2023
The Resource Center on the Product Bar is your all-in-one, centralized hub for guidance and support in N-sight RMM. Select the Resource Center icon to access technical documentation, on-demand guides, recent product updates, how-to guides for feature walk-throughs, training information, and support.
Update Apple OS using DMA | 2 June 2023
Using Device Management for Apple commands, you can now update your DMA enrolled macOS and iOS devices with the latest Apple OS version. For more information, see Update OS version on Apple devices.
To send the Update OS Version command to devices, you must have a user role with the Update OS Version permission enabled for the device type — workstations or mobile devices.
N-able SSO screen updates | 25 May 2023
N-able SSO screens are updated to a new stepped login design. You will now enter your username or email on the first dialog, and then follow up with the password requirements on a second dialog. This stepped login process is in preparation for authentication mechanism improvements we are building. For more information about logging in, see Sign into N-sight RMM using Two-Factor Authentication.
App Store management | 6 March 2023
Using N-sight Device Management for Apple, you can now manage and distribute the apps your customers purchase through Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.In Device Management for Apple, you can add a token for each of your customers, and then deploy and manage their App Store purchases on their devices. This means end users of the devices don't need a personal Apple ID or other work around to get the business apps they need on their managed devices.
You can view a list of all your customer tokens on one dashboard to ensure end users have the apps they need, revoke licenses when required, and keep the apps updated.
For more information, see App management.
Patch Management Microsoft Approvals and Other Vendor Approvals | 25 January 2023
When you configure a Patch Management policy, the Microsoft Approvals dialog enables you to automatically set specific patch types using all the Microsoft patch classifications. For more information, see Approval Policy.
Patch Management Other Vendor Approvals | 25 January 2023
When you configure a Patch Management policy, the Other Vendor Approvals dialog in the Patch Management policy enables you to automatically set different states for individual products. There is also a new default action for new product so that each time we add more applications to our supported list, it can be automatically added to your current setup. For more information, see Approval Policy.
New Classifications filter for Patch Management workflow | 25 January 2023
The new classification column for Patch Management workflow enables you to execute granular searches and find specific patches more quickly. For more information, see Manage Patches on Multiple Devices through the Patch Management for Windows Workflow.
New Classification column in the South-pane Patches tab | 25 January 2023
The new classification column in the South-pane Patches tab for device-level patching provides a consistent workflow for the entire process. For more information, see Manage Patches on Individual Devices through the Patches tab.