Critical Events Check

The Critical Events Check scans the selected Windows Event Logs on a device for any Error Events recorded during the past 24-hours. This check can show growing problems on the device and highlight areas for investigation. You can run the Critical Events Check in Alert Mode or Report Mode.

You can add frequently occurring, non-critical Error Events to the Critical Event Exclusion List. Excluded Error Events do not generate Alerts, display on the All Devices view, or display in the Critical Event Report.

The following table compares the functions and uses of the two check modes:

Alert Mode Report Mode
Use Alert Mode for increased visibility of failures. Failures are reported on the All Devices view and can be configured to generate Alerts, email or SMS messages.
  • Displays a red exclamation box to the All Devices view when Error Events are detected that match the Check criteria
  • Generates an Alert (where configured)
  • Summary information is available in 'more info' on your All Devices view
  • Summary information displays for servers in the Critical Event Report
Use Report Mode to reduce the noise of failure notifications, and instead use the Critical Events Report to identify devices that require attention. You can configure the Critical Events Report to be sent to the relevant technician or distribution group each morning after that Daily Safety Checks are completed.
  • Displays a green tick on the All Devices view when Error Events are detected that match the Check criteria.
  • No Alert is generated (regardless of configuration)
  • Summary information is available in 'more info' on your All Devices view
  • Summary information for servers displays in the Critical Event Report

Check configuration

The time and date recorded for a discovered Event is based on the local time of the device and not the All Devices view timezone.


  1. Select the device in the North-pane of the All Devices view.
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane.
  3. Click Add Check and select Add DSC > Critical Events Check.
  4. In the Critical Events Check dialog, select the required Event log.

  5. Select the information to be returned in the Show summary for section (10 most recent or 10 most frequent).

    The All Devices view displays more than ten Events depending on the number of Events discovered that match the Check criteria. The email Alert only shows the ten most frequent or ten most recent Events.

  6. Select the mode to use If errors found.

  7. To run an Automated Task when the Check fails select Assign a Task after creating the Check.
  8. Click OK to save and apply.
  9. If you selected Assign a Task after creating the Check is selected:
    1. Select the script.
    2. Click Next to configure.
    3. Enter the Command Line parameters (if required).
    4. Set a Script timeout in the range 1 - 3600 seconds (default 120 seconds).
    5. Click Finish to save and apply.


  1. Select the device in the North-pane of the All Devices view.
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane.
  3. Right-click the target Critical Even Check and select Edit Check.
  4. Configure the settings.
  5. Click OK to save and apply.


  1. Select the device in the North-pane of the All Devices view.
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane.
  3. Right-click the target Critical Even Check and select Delete Check.
  4. Enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to confirm removal.
  5. Click OK to delete.