Configure Integrated Take Control Policies

Integrated Take Control configurations are easily deployed and managed through policies. Take Control Policies control end user interaction with Take Control and contain connection performance and security settings; from user authorization for incoming sessions to the ability to open a connection to a locked device.

In addition to the default and system generated policies, you can create and manage your own custom Take Control Policies from the N-sight RMM user interface.

Any changes to a Take Control Policy are included in the User Audit Report, available from the Reports menu.

Refer to the Feature Policy Report for a list of all of the policies currently in use across your policy supporting features.

This section covers how to:

We recommend you create Client specific policies because they enable you to create policies that precisely match client requirements, and they can be combined with the Manage Feature Policies for Client Group feature. This feature allows users in the Client Group to manage their assigned policies. Since any changes will affect the devices using that policy, we do not recommend using shared policies with this feature.

Add a New Policy

To create a new policy:

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Take Control > Policy
  2. Click New
  3. Enter the Policy Name and choose the existing policy to Base policy on
  4. Click Add and configure the Policy settings (see below)
  5. Click Save and then enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to create the custom policy

Edit Policy

To edit a policy:

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Take Control > Policy
  2. Click the target policy
  3. Click Edit to make your changes
  4. Click Save and then enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM

The saved changes are downloaded and applied on each device running the policy the next time it reports back to N-sight RMM.

Delete Policy

To delete a policy:

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Take Control > Policy
  2. Click the target policy
  3. Click Delete and confirm the deletion

Any policies currently in use by devices are unavailable for deletion.

Policy Settings

The policy settings are divided into three sections:

The icons for Take Control Engines are; Take Control (N-able) engine msp_anywhere_icon and Take Control (TeamViewer) engine tv_icon


Option Supported Engine Description
Policy Name The name used to identify the policy on the N-sight RMM user inte.
Monitor Only msp_anywhere_icon Run the connection in display-only mode.

In this mode the technician can only view the remote device’s screen, the input controls are disabled so the technician cannot perform any actions.

Agent UI Language msp_anywhere_icon Specify the language of the Take Control host on the remote machine.
Auto-record Remote Control sessions msp_anywhere_icon Automatically begin recording when the session starts to any device using this policy.

Selecting this option may be particularly useful in those scenarios where session recording is a legal or customer requirement


Option Supported Engine Description
Request User Permission Requires the end user to authorize the Take Control connection to their device.
Permission Request text msp_anywhere_icon Text displayed to the end user when requesting permission to establish a connection to their device.
Display request for (in seconds) msp_anywhere_icon Length of time the permission request is displayed to the end use, from 1 to 1800 seconds.
After request times out, allow remote control msp_anywhere_icon Permits connection to the device when no response is received to the permission request within the specified time limit.

If unselected and authorization is not received, the remote connection is not permitted.

Permit connection to login screen tv_icon Allows a Take Control connection to the login screen of a locked device.
Lock device when the remote session ends msp_anywhere_icon Automatically locks the remote device when the session ends.
Show visual indicator msp_anywhere_icon Displays an indicator to the end user to make them aware that their device is under remote control.
Authentication method msp_anywhere_icon Choose the method for authentication: No Authentication, Preset Password or OS Authentication
Password msp_anywhere_icon Password required for authentication

Once set, select Show Password to view.

Enable System Tray Password tv_icon Requires the end user to enter a password to gain access to the Take Control host via the System Tray icon.
Password tv_icon Password required for authentication

Once set, select Show Password to view.


Option Supported Engine Description
Optimize desktop settings when in a session msp_anywhere_icon Removes the desktop background, disable themes and other graphics for better performance and lower bandwidth utilization.

Please note that this behavior will be visible to the user on the target machine.

Disable Video Hardware Acceleration while in a session msp_anywhere_icon Disables advanced display options (temporarily disabling the video hardware acceleration) to achieve the best performance in capturing the image.

This setting may be used for troubleshooting purposes, or on systems where graphics acceleration may present a problem.

Limit Image Capture msp_anywhere_icon Reduces the screen capture rate based on system resource utilization.
Attempt peer-to-peer connection first msp_anywhere_icon Attempts to make a P2P UDP connection to the device.

Please be aware that in a situation where UDP is not allowed (for example, because of firewall permissions), this setting can add up to three (3) seconds to your connection time.