Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check

To offer an enhanced solution, standalone Cove Data Protection (Cove) replaced Backup & Recovery. Where Backup & Recovery has been enabled and continues to be so for devices, the options presented here are still available.

If Backup & Recovery options are not present in your N-sight RMM, you need to use Cove.

To start a 30-day free trial of Cove, click the app switcher in the Product bar, and select Cove Data Protection (Cove).

The Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check is available for Windows and Macs running Backup & Recovery. It is a Daily Safety Check that monitors the backup size of the selected plugins (data sources) based on completed sessions.

The Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check fails and generates an alert (depending on configuration) if the entered threshold value (GB or percent) is exceeded:

  • Selection for one or more plugins increases by % per day
  • Selection for one or more plugins exceeds specified GB per day

The Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check is a soft alert, rather than a hard quota. It highlights changes to the selections' size and does not affect the backups themselves.

Backups continue to run even if this check is in a failed state.

Add a Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check

    Remember to update the Selected Size Check when adding new plugins (data sources) to the devices backup set.

  1. Select the device in the North-pane of the All Devices view
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane
  3. Click Add Check > Add DSC Check > Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check
  4. Enter the threshold values against each of the required plugins (data sources)
  5. Only the Files and Folders plugin is available for Backup & Recovery Documents edition devices

  6. Include the Total Selected Size if required
  7. Choose the unit of measurement from the list: GB or %

    If Skip is selected, the plugin  (data source) is not monitored.

  8. Click OK to save

Edit a Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check

  1. Select the device in the North-pane of the All Devices view
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane
  3. Right-click the required Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check and select Edit Check
  4. Configure as required
  5. Click OK to save

Delete a Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check

  1. On the All Devices view North-pane, select the device
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane
  3. Right-click the required Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check and select Delete Check
  4. Enter the password you logged into the All Devices view with to confirm removal
  5. Click OK to save