
There are monitoring checks to monitor the most common third-party products, indicators and counters to determine the status of your network, servers, workstations and applications, and Automated Tasks for the most common preventative maintenance activities.

However, if there are other products or indicators you want to monitor or other maintenance activities you want to schedule, you can use the Script Check and Automated Tasks.

The Script Check enables you to upload, deploy and run your own scripts as 24x7 or Daily Safety Checks (DSC), and Automated Tasks on a specific schedule (daily, weekly or monthly) or when a check fails.

You can also include Script Checks and Automated Tasks as part of a monitoring template to make setting up monitoring for a new client more streamlined.

To prevent the removal of the leading 0 in arguments, any part of a command that begins with 0 is wrapped in \ so the full argument is preserved when executed or processed.

The Script Parameters, Command Line field of the custom Script Check and Automated Task are passed to the script exactly as they would be if entered directly on the device itself.

We provide the mechanism to run your own scripts on your servers and workstations; however, we are not responsible for custom scripts made or used in conjunction with this product. We are not liable for loss incurred from system, hardware or data loss. It is the customer/developer's responsibility to verify the integrity, actions and impact of any custom scripts.