Reduce Critical Event Check Alerts

The Windows Critical Event Check helps you determine the state of the system. However at least one Event Log entry may be picked up by the Check each time it runs, so the check can result in a daily Alert email.

Critical Event Report

To reduce the number of generated Critical Event alert emails, you can put the Critical Event Check in Report Mode.

When Report Mode is enabled, failures:

  • Do not generate an Alert
  • Are marked as passed on the All Devices view
  • Still display the failure information in the More Information section of the All Devices view and for servers the Critical Event Report allows you to investigate any problems

N-sight RMM users often configure Report Mode for the Check and use the server Critical Event Report for a server-by-server summary of the critical events either viewing the report on the All Devices view or by sending a copy of the failures for all Clients to their Inbox (Settings, Critical Events Settings this also includes the option to View Today's Report Now).

Critical Event Exclusion List

Sometimes the same non-critical Critical Event is recorded on a daily basis, and it can distract the Alert recipient and waste valuable time investigating the known problem.

To exclude non-critical Critical Events you can add them to the Critical Event Exclusion List. After the event is added to the list, it no longer generates an Alert, appears on the All Devices view or in the Critical Event Report.