Import CSV Templates

As there is currently no capability in the import process to match data being imported to data already present in Passportal, we strongly recommend that all imports are performed prior to installing AD sync agents or integrating Passportal with any supported PSA or RMM software in order to prevent duplication of data. Further to this, avoid importing data that would also be synced into Passportal from such an integration with an RMM/PSA solution, or AD agent sync.

Passportal contains 2 types of Document Template - Static and Dynamic. Static templates cannot be accessed or edited. Dynamic templates are fully customizable via Settings > Templates.

All fields in all templates are case and Blank space sensitive - improper Blank space and casings may cause undesired results

Static Templates
Articles Credentials Domains SSL Certificates Clients Users

Dynamic Templates
Assets Custom Docs LAN Voice/PBX Locations
Active Directory Email Printing Wireless Vendors
Application File Sharing Remote Access Contacts Files
Backup Internet/WAN Virtualization Licensing  
If you have Carriage Returns within your notes, you will encounter issues performing the import. Following these steps will allow there to be Soft Carriage Returns which are allowed within the import.
  1. Select all cells where you want to remove or replace carriage returns.
  2. Press Ctrl+H to open the Find & Replace dialog box.
  3. In the Find What field enter Ctrl+J. It will look empty, but you will see a tiny dot.
  4. In the Replace With field, Press Alt+Enter. It will look empty, however, when you click Replace All you will see that changes have been made.

Columns marked with an asterisk (*) denotes a field which must be populated for a successful import.

Some optional columns may seem like they should be required columns, however there may use cases where these would hamper usage. For example, an AWS Key does not require a username - so in the credentials.csv, should the username field be a required field, this would remove the ability to store the AWS Key appropriately.

Static Templates

Populate your data into the appropriate template following the guide below.

The imported_id field is currently only used in conjunction with the resource_id field between Article and Credential imports -

Article Imports

All article imports must be in the .HTML, .PDF or .DOCX (or other MS Word document) format, with any images contained in the article also uploaded inside the .ZIP.

To link an Article to a Credential when populating the article and credential CSV files:

  1. Enter an alphnumeric ID in the imported_id field of the Article entry in article.csv
  2. Enter the same alphnumeric ID in the resource_id field of the Credential in credentials.csv
imported_id article_name* description client_name* article_file_path* inline_image_tag_folder_path attachment_paths tags
matching unique alphanumeric ID, used to link this article to the credential resource_id field in the credentials.csv (ID is user defined) name/title of article info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization file path to the article location within the zip - relative to the template (article.csv) location folder path to the folder containing the article 'images folders' path to a folder that contains files to be attached to the article in Passportal - relative to the template (article.csv) tag 1, tag 2, tag 3
  Setup Polycom SountPoint IP 550   Hyper9 documents/DOC-SountPoint IP 550/Nextiva Phone Provisioning Polycom SountPoint IP 550.html documents/DOC-SountPoint IP 550   IP phone, setup

You may have many articles to import, and defining filepaths as well as inline image folder paths for each one individually may take considerable effort to achieve. As such you can use the manifest.csv to define folder and file path rules thus allowing you to import many articles without defining each one in article.csv. Please see Manifest File or attachment lookup path rules for details of this method.

Credential Imports

To link a Credential to an Article when populating the article and password CSV files:

  1. Enter an alphnumeric ID in the resource_id field of the credential in the credentials.csv
  2. Enter the same alphnumeric ID in the imported_id field of the Article entry in article.csv
imported_id client_name* description username password* url notes folder rotation_policy attachment_paths resource_type resource_id
name of folder containing the file to be attached to this credential as defined in the manifest.csv File or attachment lookup path column name of client / organization information to identify article username for the credential the credential url for website of credential (optional) password notes (optional) name of folder in the client yes or no path to a folder that contains files to be attached to the credential in Passportal - relative to the template (credentials.csv) credential type, i.e.) Firewall, AD User, etc matching unique alphanumeric ID, used to link this credential to the article>imported_id field in the article.csv (ID is user defined)
Nested Folders

Where nested folders already exist in N-sight RMM, entering just the folder name in the folder column will be sufficient to import a credential to that folder. If creating new nested folders during the import, simply enter all the folder names in the nest with a double forward slash between folder names,

Entering Parent//Child in the folder column of the .CSV will result in a folder named Parent, which will contain a folder named Child.

Domains Imports

imported_id client_name* name*
  name of client / organization domain name

SSL Certificate Imports

imported_id host certificate client_name* intermediate_chain certificate_signing_request private_key notes
  host certificate name of client / organization domain name signed certificate (text string) private key ssl cert. notes (optional)

Client Imports

imported_id name* phone frequency site_login windows_sync credential_force
  name of client / organization phone number for client if populated, rotation is enabled, and should be number of days for rotation, leave blank to remain disabled enable Site login (yes or no) enable Windows syn (yes or no) yes or no

Users Import

User imports DO check against users already present in Passportal. In cases where existing users are included in the imported user.csv, the permission_level and security_groups data included in the CSV file is added to the current Permissions and Security Groups for that user.

id name_first* name_last* email* phone permission_level security_groups
  users first name users surname users email address users phone number as is recorded in PP as is recorded in PP

Dynamic Templates

Populate your data into the appropriate template following the guide below.

The CSV templates below are the default, unedited versions and so may differ to what you download from Passportal

Active Directory Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* AD Full Name* AD Short Name* AD Level Domain Controller(s) DNS Server(s) DHCP Server(s)
  AD record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization full Active Directory domain name short Active Directory domain name Active Directory version Domain Controller name(s) DNS server name(s) DHCP server name(s)

Applications Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Application Name* Category Version Vendor NOTES Application Owner Application Server(s) Licensing Information
  application record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization name or title of the application without version number a category for the application major and minor version number vendor who makes or supports the application additional notes name of the application owner/champion or primary contact servers that host part of the application including the database name of Licensing record

Backup Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Notes Backup Description* Backup Type* Backup Technology Next Test Restore Date
  backup record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization additional notes description of backup data selection backup software vendor name backup technology / product name date of next test restore
backup.csv (continued)
Backup Window Backup Interval Retention Policy Servers Protected Applications Protected Data Recovery Approver Local Backup Server(s) Local Location Local Retention Offsite Replication Offsite Location Offsite Provider
backup window when backups occur How frequently do backups run? (Days / months) enter a data retention policy that is configured in Passportal servers backed up applications backed up (if app specific) name of approver server name(s) filepath of local backup repository local retention (on site or off site) How frequently backups are replicated offline ie) Vendor Cloud, AWS, Entra ID, Alternate Office Site name of offsite backup storage provider

Asset Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Name* Type* Status* Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Notes Purchase Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  asset record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization name of asset configuration type (device type) configuration status (Active or Inactive) YYYY-MM-DD further information (optional) YYYY-MM-DD
generic-asset.csv (continued)
Purchased By Serial Number Asset Tag Manufacturer Model Location Assigned User Installed Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Installed By Physical Position
individual who purchased asset asset's serial number asset's tag details manufacturer name model details / number asset's location name of assigned user YYYY-MM-DD person asset installed by room/office number - place in office, etc.
generic-asset.csv (continued)
Hostname Primary IP MAC Address(s) Default Gateway Platform Operating System Operating System Notes IP Address(s)* Name/Port
asset's warranty expires date asset's primary contact asset's location default gateway IP address Windows, macOS, Linux, VMware, etc. operating system note on operating system at IP addresses for asset name / port

Contact Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Contact Type* Job Title First Name* Phone
  contact record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization Client, Vendor, MSP, Other, etc. job title first name phone number
contact.csv (continued)
Extension Mobile Phone Fax Location Notes Middle Name Last Name* Email Address*
phone extension number mobile phone number fax number contacts location additional notes middle name surname email address

Email Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* notes Email Type Domain(s) Email Servers Location Inbound Delivery Webmail URL
  email record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization further information (optional) email platform (Exchange 2013, MS65, etc. domain names Email Servers asset name email server location how is inbound email delivered (Direct, MS365, Email Security Service, etc.) full URL for webmail

File Sharing Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Share Name* Share Description* File Servers File Sync & Share Vendor Local Server Disk Path Share UNC Path Mapped Drive File Share permissions
  file-sharing record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization name of the share share description - aids identification of the information server names mapped drive path Local Server Disk Path Share UNC Path drive letter, i.e. C:\ permissions as set in Passportal

Internet / WAN Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Notes Internet Service Provider* Account Number Link Type* Location(s)
  Internet / WAN record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization additional info name of the internet service provider Account Number Link Type location(s)
internet_wan.csv (continued)
Upload Speed (Mbps) Download Speed (Mbps) Router / Firewall SMTP Smart host IP Address(es) Subnet Mask Gateway(s) DNS Servers
upload speed (Mbps) download speed (Mbps) name of firewall/router that is connected SMTP Smart host IP Address(es) Subnet Mask Gateway(s) IP Address DNS Server name(s)

LAN Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Location Subnet* Switch(es) VLAN ID DHCP Server DHCP Scope DNS Server(s) DNS Settings
  LAN record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization location subnet ip address range switch(es) asset names ID of the vlan DHCP server name DHCP scope (i.e. .1 - .254) DHCP server name Enter default DNS IP address(es) for devices on this LAN (private and/or public)

Licensing Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Manufacturer Software Name Version Seats License Key(s) Purchase Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Renewal Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Notes
  licensing record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization manufacturer name software name version number of license number of seats license key(s) YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD extra license notes

Location Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Address 1 City Address 2 State / Province Country Zip / Postal Code Name* Phone Fax Notes
  location record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization 1st line of address city 2nd line of address region country postal code, zip code or region equivalent name of location phone number fax number additional notes

Printing Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Site Print Server(s) Printer(s) Connection Type Deployment Print Drivers Path Support Vendor Notes
  location record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization name of site - ie) Head Office server(s) hosting the print queues at this site (server 1, Server 2) printers located at this site (printer 1, printer 2) Print Server, Direct via Network, USB Cable, etc. Group Policy, Manual, other, etc. ie) .\ServerSharedPrintersDrivers the printer support company additional notes

Remote Access Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Site Notes Client VPN URL Remote Desktop Webmail
  remote access record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization site name additional notes client VPN URL remote desktop URL or hostname - i.e. webmail URL for remote email access


Vendors Imports

imported_id title* description client_name Vendor Name Support Email Address Support Phone Number Support Website URL
  vendor record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization name of vendor vendors support email address vendors support phone number vendors support website URL


Virtualization Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Virtualization Friendly Name Virtualization Technology Virtualization Notes Virtualization Hosts Virtual Machines
  virtualization record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization virtualization friendly name type of virtualization technology (Hyper-V, VMWare, etc.) additional notes Virtualization host servers names name of virtual machine


Voice / PBX Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Phone System Type Manufacturer Devices DHCP Options Phone Support Vendor
  voice / pbx record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization phone system type (On-premise, Hosted, etc.) Manufacturer asset name(s) i.e.) Option 156 = ftpservers=x.x.x.x, country=1, language=1, vlanid=n vendor name


Wireless Imports

imported_id title* description client_name* Network Name Notes Location SSID* Encryption Type* Pre-Shared Key Access Point(s) Wireless Controller(s) Management IP Address Guest Network
  wireless record title info shown in the description field in the template details tab name of client / organization network's name additional notes physical location network's SSID encryption type (WEP, WPA, etc.) pre-shared key access point(s) asset name wireless controller asset name management IP address name of guest network