View Full Conversation History in Ticket Response Notifications

Notifications for responses within a ticket now allow for the option to include the full history and details of the conversation from within the notification.

Have easy access to conversation history when simply viewing a notification, and quickly get up to speed on the customer's issue and everything that has been previously discussed.

Configure Ticket Settings to enable Full History in Ticket Notifications

You must enable this feature in order to use it.

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Settings > Tickets & Workflows and click Ticket Preferences.
  2. In the Include Full Conversation History In Notifications section, turn on Enabled by default in Ticket Editor.
  3. Turn on Required for all Responses, and the option above is turned On by default and is no longer configurable.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.

If the Required for all Responses option is NOT selected, users have the option to turn the Full Conversation feature on or off for each Response from within the Ticket Editor.

However, if Required for all Responses in the Ticket Preferences menu is selected, then the Full Conversation option in the Ticket Editor is ON by default, grayed out and NOT configurable.

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