Add tags to your assets

Create Asset Tags to order and group your assets for easy searching and filtering.

  1. Select Assets from the left navigation bar to view assets for all customers.
  2. Use the filters to view assets for a specific customer, or to filter by asset class, status or tag.

  3. Click next to the asset to edit and view it's details.
  4. You must edit the asset in order to add tags to it. Clicking the asset opens a read only view of the asset's information.

  5. Select the Overview section to expand its options and enter your Asset Tag in the Tags section.
  6. Press Enter to apply the new Tag to the Asset. After adding a Tag, it is saved for future use in other Assets.
  7. Repeat this process to add additional Tags to the Asset.
  8. Click the Save icon in the top right corner of the Asset Editor when finished.

Navigate to , select a customer from the list and click Assets from the customer navigation menu to only view assets for the selected customer.

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