View or Download a Script

If you no longer have access to the originally uploaded script but you want to view it or make changes to it, you can view the script, or download it to make edits. When you finish editing the script, you upload it to the All Devices view again, either as a New script or Edit an existing one.

View Code

  1. On the All Devices view, go to Settings > Script Manager
  2. Select the target script
  3. Select View Code
  4. The non-editable script is displayed in the View Code dialog
  5. Click Close to exit the View Code dialog
  6. Select Close again to exit out of the Script Manager

Download Script

  1. On the All Devices view, go to Settings > Script Manager
  2. Select the target script
  3. Select Download Script
  4. The script is downloaded to your machine
  5. Click Close to exit out of the Script Manager