View Reports for Take Control information
Integrated Take Control session information is available from the Take Control Report and the User Audit Report, which are accessible from the Reports menu.
Take Control Report
The Take Control Report lists the N-sight RMM user, along with the following date and time details for Session Requested, Session Start, Session End, the session Duration and the Remote User logged in at the time of the session.
- In the All Devices view, go to Reports > Take Control Report.
- Select the Client.
- Choose the From and To dates.
- Click OK to generate the Report.
User Audit Report
You can apply filters to the User Audit Report to return Take Control Session information including when the Take Control file was downloaded (TeamViewer) or viewer launched (N-able). The Event drop-down also includes the ability to view any changes to the Take Control Policy.
You can export the User Audit Report in CSV and Print formats.
- In the All Devices view, go to Reports > User Audit Report.
- Choose the From and To dates.
- (Optional) select filters from Username, Action. Then select the Take Control Event, for exampleTake Control Session or changes to the Take Control Policy Settings.
- Click OK to generate the Report.
For more information, see User Audit Report.
You can limit the number of returned rows per page by entering the required number of Rows per page using the start
end controls to navigate between pages and
refresh to reload.
Pagination options are not applied to the CSV Export of the User Audit Report.