Add a new role

When you add a new role, you can add a new role based on a default system role or clone a role. Cloning a role can be useful if you want to make a new role that is very similar to an existing one.


  • To create a new role, you must be signed into N-sight RMM using an Agent Key, a Superuser role, or a user with the Roles & Permissions permission enabled.

Add a role

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Users > Roles and Permissions
  2. Click Add Role

    A new role entry is added to the list of roles.

    Name and base role edits are indicated by a red triangle in the corner of the field. Permission edits are indicated with a pink background.

  3. Click in the Name column to enter a name for the role. The name entered is displayed in the Roles and Permissions dialog and the Users dialog.
  4. Click in the Based on column to select the System Role you want to use as a permissions template

    The permissions for the new role are set to the permissions of the selected System Role.

  5. Modify the permissions by selecting or deselecting the radio button for each permission. For a description of each permission, hover over the permission or see Default system roles and their permissions.

    You can edit permissions in bulk using the groups or subgroups.

  6. Click Save

Clone a role

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Users > Roles and Permissions
  2. Click the role you want to clone (it highlights in blue)
  3. Click Clone Role

    A cloned role entry is added to the list of roles, and the permissions are set to the permissions of the role you cloned.

    Name and base role edits are indicated by a red triangle in the corner of the field. Permission edits are indicated with a pink background.

  4. Click in the Name column to edit the name for the role. The role name entered is displayed in the Roles and Permissions dialog and the Users dialog.
  5. Modify the permissions by selecting or deselecting the radio button for each permission. For a description of each permission, hover over the permission or see Default system roles and their permissions.

    You can edit permissions in bulk using the groups or subgroups.

  6. Click Save