Backup & Recovery Seeding

To offer an enhanced solution, standalone Cove Data Protection (Cove) replaced Backup and Recovery. Where Backup and Recovery has been enabled and continues to be so for devices, the options presented here are still available.

If Backup and Recovery options are not present in your N-sight RMM, you need to use Cove.

To start a 30-day free trial of Cove, click the app switcher in the Product Bar, and select Cove Data Protection (Cove).

Depending upon the volume of data, it can take days if not weeks to upload the initial backup over the internet; particularly where the network has a slow or unstable internet connection.

As such we have included the facility to perform the initial backup offline, with the upload itself taking place from a different location; with a faster and more stable internet connection.

There are two seed backup options available:

Backup & Recovery Self-Service Seed Loading

Download the required files to your own USB disk, attach this to the source computer.

Once the initial backup has completed, simply upload its contents from a location with a faster, more stable internet connection to the online data store.

Backup & Recovery Seed Load Service

Requested from the Dashboard, we send you a USB drive which is attached to the source computer.

Once the initial backup has completed, simply return the USB drive for upload to the online data store. Delivery of the USB Drive to and from us will take a minimum of 3 days in both directions.