Alert Routing Settings

Default, Client and Site

Configure notifications at the default level per device type (Servers or Workstations), setup notifications per Client down to the Site level.

  1. Go to Settings > Alerts > Settings.
  2. Configure the default behavior for the target entities (all Servers or Workstations, Clients, Sites)
    • Use Parent [inherit policy settings - available for Client and Site]
    • On [use custom settings]
  3. Click OK to apply.


Configure notifications at the individual device level for both Servers and Workstations.

  1. On the All Devices view, North-pane, right-click the device.
  2. Select Edit Server or Edit Workstation.
  3. Click Alert Routing and Select the Alerting behavior from Setting
    • Use Parent [inherit policy settings]
    • On [use custom settings]
  4. Click OK to apply.


Configure notifications at the individual Check level for Servers. For example, setup dedicated notification routes for critical server Check failures to alert the fast-response team to the failure.

  1. Highlight the target server in the North-pane of the Dashboard
  2. Go to the Checks tab
  3. Right-click on the Check (or from the Check drop-down)
  4. Go to Edit Check > Alert Settings > Alert Routing
    • Use Parent [inherit policy settings]
    • On [use custom settings]
  5. Click OK to apply

Routing Setup (Common)

  • Enter the recipient's Email address and/or SMS number for the Office Hours and Out of Office Hours
  • Use a comma "," to separate multiple email or SMS entries.
  • Send Check IDs in the Email Headers (optional)

Check IDs are only included in Check alerts, they are not included in Device level notifications. For example, Server Overdue.

Please note where a recipient field is not specified the setting for this Alert is inherited from the parent.