Enable Network Discovery Agents

You can enable the Network Discovery Agents for the network globally for all devices down to specific Clients and Sites, or for an individual device.

Global Settings

To enable Network Discovery Agents on all devices down to specific Clients and Sites.

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Network Discovery Settings
  2. Select the device type (Servers or Workstations), Clients and Sites

  3. From Settings select On or Use Parent (if On)
  4. Click OK to save

Individual device

To enable the Network Discovery Agents on specific devices. For example, on secure networks where access is restricted to certain devices.

  1. In the All Devices view North-pane, go to the Servers or Workstations tab
  2. Right-click the target device and select Edit Server or Edit Workstation
  3. Click Network Discovery section

  4. From Settings select On or Use Parent (if On)
  5. OK to save

When the Network Discovery Agents are enabled, the next step is to Place the Network under Management.