N-sight RMM Icons

The following tables show icons used on the All Devices view, the Wall Chart, and other features.

For more icons used in N-sight RMM, see the following sections:


Icon Description
add_icon Asset added
edit Asset edited (device or Dashboard)
trash_icon Asset deleted

Operating Systems

Icon Description
windows_icon Windows
osx_icon macOS
clip0458 Linux


Icon Description
server_icon Server
workstation_icon Desktop
laptop_icon Laptop

Device Status

Server Desktop Laptop Description
server_ok workstation_ok laptop_ok OK - all checks passed
server_ok workstation_error laptop_error Error - Check(s) failed
server_offline workstation_offline laptop_offline Inactive
server_overdue workstation_error laptop_error Overdue - data not received
site_down site_down site_down ISP Down - Site Down (Data Overdue Cross Check)

Feature / Column icons (North-pane)

Icon Description
note Notes
mspm PSA Integration - MSP Manager
servicedesk_icon PSA Integration - Service Desk
autotask_icon PSA Integration - Autotask
connectwise_icon PSA Integration - ConnectWise Manage
link_icon PSA Mapped Device
patch_management_icon Patch Management for Windows installation states

For status icons, see Patch Installation States.

take_control_icon Take Control
teamviewer_icon TeamViewer
mav_bd_icon Managed Antivirus
mob_icon Backup & Recovery
systray_icon System Tray Application
rbm_icon Remote Background Management
web_protection_check_icon Web Protection
maintenance_traffic Maintenance Mode

For status icons, see Maintenance Mode - Status indicators.

247_icon 24x7 Checks
dsc_icon Daily Safety Checks
automated_task_icon Automated Tasks
reboot_icon Reboot

Feature Status (North-pane)

Icon Description
Deactivating / Pending / Pending reboot
  Not Installed
Not Compatible
Reboot required

Check Status (South-pane)

Icon Description
yellow_tick_new Delayed - soft failure
check_cleared Cleared

Alert generation options

Icon Description
Outage Email Alert
Recovery Email Alert
Outage SMS Alert
Recovery SMS Alert

Agent Auto Update Settings

Icon Description
agent_update_ok Latest version of the Agent installed on all devices
agent_update_mixed Devices contain a mixture of old and new Agents
agent_to_update Older versions of the Agents are installed on all devices
agent_update_pending Agent update pending