App management


By default the N-sight RMM mobile app opens at the Problems view. Press the menu button or swipe in from the left to navigate between the Problems, Clients, and Settings views.

Swipe left and right or press the relevant button to move between Servers, Workstations and Failing Checks in the Problem view and Servers and Workstations in the Clients view.

Press on a Client in the Clients section to view their devices. To return to the Client selection dialog press the Client name > header and back button (<-) where available to return to the previous screen.

View Description
Problems (default view) Lists devices at all Clients experiencing an issue (default section) as Servers, Workstations and all Failed Checks.

Failed Checks offers a single, consolidated list of all failing checks across all Clients.

Clients Choose a specific Client to view their Devices.
Settings Configure the additional sign-in authentication method, passcode or fingerprint (where available and supported from N-sight RMM app 1.1.0). View the App version, Terms of Use and Signed in as user. Access App settings and sign-out of the app.

android_problems android_clients android_settings