Advanced Options

The Advanced Options tab allows you to set a number of useful organization wide settings.

To access the Advanced Settings:

  1. Navigate to Settings > General
  2. Click the Advanced Options tab
  3. The Advanced options are presented. Configure these settings as required, and then click Save

Settings Descriptions:

  • Minimum password length for Passportal users: Set the minimum number of characters required for a valid password
  • Session Timeout: The default duration before a Passportal session expires (in minutes)
  • Trusted Location Session Timeout: The duration before a Passportal session expires (in minutes) when on a machine using a Trusted Location (IP address) - For more information on Trusted Locations please see: Trusted Locations
  • This setting will override the regular session timeout setting for applicable machines

  • Default Rotation Policy Frequency: The default rotation (reset) frequency for passwords with a rotation policy enabled - This can be overridden at the client level
  • See Credential Rotation for Default Rotation Policy Frequency information

  • Login attempts before lockout:  The number of log in attempts a user can make to the organization using the wrong password or Organization Key before that user is locked out
  • Account Lockout Duration: The duration in which a user cannot access their account after being locked out due to too many failed login attempts
  • A locked out user can be unlocked by an organization administrator, overriding this lockout duration

  • Default Temporary Access Duration: The duration of temporary access when granted to a user requesting access to a client, folder or password
  • Show Only Custom Credential Types: When enabled, only custom created Credential Types are displayed on the Credential Type list
  • Hide Unassigned Clients and Folders from Users: When enabled, Users will not see Clients and Folders which they do not have explicit access to either directly or through Security Groups
  • Leading Column on Password List: Select Credential Type to display the Credentials in the first column of the list. Select Description to display the description in the first column of the list
  • Password Generation Rules: Set the minimum length of generated passwords using the Password Character Length field - Define allowed special characters (symbols) using the Special Character Input field - Tick each of the following selections to define password requirements if required:
    • Include Capitalized Characters
    • Include Lower Case Characters
    • Include Numbers
    • Include Special Characters
  • Organization Key: Click the eye icon to view the Organization Key or the copy to clip-board icon to copy the organizatin key to the clip-board