Trusted Locations

The Trusted Locations tab in Settings allows you to add or remove trusted IP addresses for the Trusted Timeout setting in Advanced Options.

  • Session Timeout: The default duration before a Passportal session expires (in minutes)
  • Trusted Location Session Timeout: The duration before a Passportal session expires (in minutes) when on a machine using a Trusted Location (IP address)

IPv6 is not currently supported

To add Trusted Locations (IP Addresses):

  1. Navigate to Settings > General.
  2. Select the Trusted Locations tab.
  3. Type the required IP addresses into the Trusted Locations (IP Address) box. Each IP address must be added in a separate row.
  4. You can include one wildcard in each of the entered IP addresses (examples: 192.168.0.* or 192.*.0.1, etc.).
  5. Click Save once you have added the required IP addresses.

Trust Location login only:

Trusted Locations allow you to restrict access to Passportal from specific IP addresses, when enabled users will only be able to login from the IP addresses listed in the Trusted Locations (IP Address) section. Once enabled or disabled, click Save.

Does not apply to Site user logins. The Site Administrator login can set Trusted Locations through Settings when logged into Site.