Enable debug logs

Debug logs are logs with an extended logging level. They can be helpful to support engineers when the application logs are insufficient to investigate an issue. Debug logs can be enabled for both Backup Manager and Recovery Console. For steps on enabling debug logs for Recovery Console, see the Advanced settings in Recovery Console page.

Here is how to enable debug logs:

  1. Stop the Backup Service Controller. See Restarting the internal backup processes and service for details
  2. Open the Backup Manager configuration file (where to find configuration file)
  3. Add a new section with the following content to the configuration file:
  4. [Logging]
  5. Start the backup process
  6. Try to reproduce the issue
  7. Compress the "logs" folder and send it to the support team

The location of the "logs" folder depends on your operating system, you can find the logs for Backup Manager here:

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\MXB\Backup Manager\logs
  • GNU/Linux: /opt/MXB/var/log
  • macOS: /Library/Logs/MXB/Backup Manager/logs

Please do not forget to disable debug logging when the issue is resolved. It will save your disk space.

  1. Open the configuration file and delete LoggingLevel=Debug section from it
  2. Restart the backup process

Additional Logging parameters

Section Parameter Definition Supported values
[Logging] LoggingLevel The level of logging information you require the device to take
  • 0 - debug
  • 1 - warning
  • 2 - error
  • 3 - log (This is the default)
[Logging] [LogsLocation]

This parameter allows you to change the location of the log files. Debug logs are normally stored in the following locations:

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\MXB\Backup Manager\logs
  • GNU/Linux: /opt/MXB/var/log
  • macOS: /Library/Logs/MXB/Backup Manager/logs
desired file path
[Logging] SingleLogMaxSizeInMb The maximum size of a single application log file on a user's hard drive (in MB) Any whole number. Default values:
  • 5 (when debug logging is disabled)
  • 50 (when debug logging is enabled)
[Logging] TotalLogsMaxSizeInMb The maximum size of all application log files on a user's hard drive (in MB) Any whole number. Default values:
  • 50 (when debug logging is disabled)
  • 500 (when debug logging is enabled)