Restore a backup for a device if N-able Backup is removed

Recover backup data for a removed device. If someone has inadvertently removed N-able Backup from the device, or the device was removed from N-able N-central, it is also removed from the N-central Backup Dashboard. However, you can reconnect to N-able Backup and continue regular backups. When reconnected, N-able Backup will continue the regular backup interval from where it left off. It is not necessary to perform a full backup first.

Before reconnecting to N-able Backup, you need to get a passphrase. This is a unique key so that the backup software can connect with the current backup in the cloud. This is the link/key to the last known backup so it can continue on as if there was no interruption.

  1. In the Backup Dashboard list, click All Devices.
  2. Click the name of the device that you want to view.
  3. Switch to the Settings tab > Backup section.
  4. Click Generate a Passphrase.
  5. Record the passphrase, username and password and click OK.
  6. The passphrase is valid for 24 hours.

  7. Select Enable N-able Backup.
  8. Select when to install MSP Backup on the device and select a Configuration Profile.
  9. To configure the device to back up specific files, click Set Settings Manually.
  10. Click Save.
  11. When prompted, enter the passphrase and click OK.

N-able Backup will install on the device and reconnect with the cloud backup. An initial backup check will take place to ensure any new or updated files are saved to the cloud.