Example of Custom PSA API calls and communications for a CREATE action ticket
On this page you will find an example of the CREATE API REST requests and responses, the corresponding JSON descriptions, and the API communications that N-able N-central would expect from the PSA application. The PSA must make a call to N-central via an HTTP/HTTPS PUT request.
API REST requests and corresponding JSON descriptions
REST Request Key | JSON Response (Value) |
action | What should happen with the ticket. See the examples below. |
title | Field should describe the short description of the ticket. |
details | A body of the ticket. |
ncentralTicketId | The Ticket ID that N-able N-central has internally assigned to the ticket (this should be primarily used for ticket identification on PSA side). |
psaTicketNumber |
The Ticket ID you have assigned to the ticket in your PSA application. Remember! This key value pair is not sent when action is to create ticket because N-able N-central does not yet know this ID. |
customTag | Described in configuring the ticketing recipients procedure. |
REST Response Key | JSON Response (Value) |
externalTicketId (required) | The Ticket ID you have assigned to the ticket in your PSA application. |
ticketUrl (required) | The URL to directly access the ticket that was created in your PSA application. |
For other actions (close, update, reopen) N-able N-central does not have to store or process data sent from an external PSA integration in the response body.
In such a case, the ticket is registered as in an intermediate state - pending creation - in N-able N-central, and expects a callback from the PSA application.
The callback should go to URL http://<N-central>/dms/rest/custompsa/tickets/<action keyword>/<N-central ticket ID>
A callback body must be in following format:
{ "ticketUrl" : "url",
"ticketNumber" : "external psa ticket number",
"psaCustomTicketId" : 12345678} (which is the N-able N-central ticket ID from the request)
N-able N-central REST API expects Basic Authorization to be used. You will use the credentials from the configuration page, and you must specify Content-Type and application/json as part of the header.
Request example of a CREATE action ticket
"action": "CREATE",
"title": "Alert: CPU on DESKTOP-H9NDP81 is Failed",
"details": "Description: Customer: Cu....",
"ncentralTicketId": "63729690",
"customTags": {
"urgency": "High",
"impact": "High",
"subcategory": "CPU",
"category": "Hardware" }
Response example of a CREATE action ticket
"externalTicketId": "12a54604dbdd270079b2a9a5ca9619ab",
"ticketUrl": "https://ven02310.yourPSAapplication.com/incident.do?sys_id=12a54604....9619ab" }