Updated: November 10, 2020

Example of Custom PSA API calls and communications for a CREATE action ticket


On this page you will find an example of the CREATE API REST requests and responses, the corresponding JSON descriptions, and the API communications that N-able N-central would expect from the PSA application. The PSA must make a call to N-central via an HTTP/HTTPS PUT request.

API REST requests and corresponding JSON descriptions

REST Request Key JSON Response (Value)
action What should happen with the ticket. See the examples below.
title Field should describe the short description of the ticket.
details A body of the ticket.
ncentralTicketId The Ticket ID that N-able N-central has internally assigned to the ticket (this should be primarily used for ticket identification on PSA side).

The Ticket ID you have assigned to the ticket in your PSA application.

Remember! This key value pair is not sent when action is to create ticket because N-able N-central does not yet know this ID.

customTag Described in configuring the ticketing recipients procedure.


REST Response Key JSON Response (Value)
externalTicketId (required) The Ticket ID you have assigned to the ticket in your PSA application.
ticketUrl (required) The URL to directly access the ticket that was created in your PSA application.


N-able N-central needs these values only as a response for a CREATE action, to save a ticket URL and ticket ID from the external PSA application.

For other actions (close, update, reopen) N-able N-central does not have to store or process data sent from an external PSA integration in the response body.


An external PSA integration system has an option to respond with an empty body. (If it meets the requirement of a 200-series HTTP response code.)

In such a case, the ticket is registered as in an intermediate state - pending creation - in N-able N-central, and expects a callback from the PSA application.

The callback should go to URL http://<N-central>/dms/rest/custompsa/tickets/<action keyword>/<N-central ticket ID>

A callback body must be in following format:

{ "ticketUrl" : "url",
"ticketNumber" : "external psa ticket number",
"psaCustomTicketId" : 12345678}
(which is the N-able N-central ticket ID from the request)

N-able N-central REST API expects Basic Authorization to be used. You will use the credentials from the configuration page, and you must specify Content-Type and application/json as part of the header.

Request example of a CREATE action ticket


"action": "CREATE",
"title": "Alert: CPU on DESKTOP-H9NDP81 is Failed",
"details": "Description: Customer: Cu....",
"ncentralTicketId": "63729690",
"customTags": {
"urgency": "High",
"impact": "High",
"subcategory": "CPU",
"category": "Hardware" }


Response example of a CREATE action ticket


"externalTicketId": "12a54604dbdd270079b2a9a5ca9619ab",
"ticketUrl": "https://ven02310.yourPSAapplication.com/incident.do?sys_id=12a54604....9619ab" }