Custom properties

Custom properties enable you to categorize devices and customers by unique identifiers. You can use custom device properties as filterable items so you can apply N-able N-central rules for automated workflows with devices and customers, based on devices having or not having a specific custom property and values.

You can also use custom properties with Automation Manager policies that pulls in the appropriate customer or device-specific information, rather than creating separate Automation Manager policies per customer, or per device. Automation policies can also set the property for devices. For example, a policy can run based on a property of "Maintenance required". After completion of the task, the automation policy can change the property to "Maintenance completed. Automation policies cannot update customer-level properties.

Depending on what level you add the property, that property will filter down to each level. For example, if you add the custom device property at the Service Organization level, it will be added for all of the customers under that SO. If you add the custom property at the customer level, it will only be added for that customer.

Associate custom properties for specific device types. A custom property can be a URL, text, date or a drop-down list with a customized list of values. These properties are applied to devices based on their class and operating system, or selected customers and sites.

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