Take Control Viewer (All Versions): won't load blocked by GPO

Last Modified

Tue Mar 03 22:57 GMT 2020


  • Take Control Viewer does not load using:
    • Chrome
    • IE
    • Firefox
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the viewer makes no effect


  • N-able Take Control/Take Control Plus (Standalone)
  • N-able N-central
  • Take Control
  • N-sight RMM
  • Take Control (N-able)


  • Viewer .exe is launched from C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Take Control Viewer\
  • Most likely there is a GPO that blocks *.exe files from running out of ...\AppData\Local\ to prevent the execution of Ransomware and other types of malware.
  • Install the Viewer to a different location where you have Read&Write permissions, by launching the Viewer's installer from a command prompt with the /D=<path> parameter, where <path> is the complete path to the intended installation folder.