File Finder Scan Results Report for Individual Host
Go to View and Manage - Scan Results and double click on your File Finder scan:
The File Finder Scan Results report displays:
- File Finder Data Summary - Whether the scan has passed or failed. If it has failed this means that suspect data has been found during the scan.
- File Finder Scan Statistics - Lists:
- Elapsed Time
- Volumes Scanned - Includes Drive Root address, Drive Capacity, Free Space and Used Space for all volumes scanned
- File Patterns
- File Hashes - formats MD5, SHA1 and SHA256
- Files Scanned - Number of files scanned
- Files with Suspect Data - Number of files with suspect data
- Suspected Data Details:
- Lists file paths of suspected files. Expand to view file hashes and Permissions table showing user permissions to suspected file. Also allows you to Create File Removal Script to Delete Unprotected Data Files from Device.
The Permissions table displays which user groups have access to the suspected data, and what access rights they have. The following lists all available access types:
- F - Full
- M - Modify
- X - Execute
- R - Read
- W - Write
- S - Special - Windows-only permission
- Half circle means that at least one of the users in the group has access at that level
- Full circle means that all users in the group have access at that level