Manage Domains

  1. To see a list of domains in your organization go to View and Manage - Domains.
  2. A list of domains and the organizations that belong to them is displayed.

  3. Double-click a domain to open the Domain Information page which shows the sub-organizations and sub-domains underneath this domain.
  4. The following information is displayed:

Information Details
Domain ID

The Domain ID is shown in the browser URL in the format: In this example the domain ID is '1021'

Domain Information

Domain Owned by Partner

The name of the domain being viewed.
Delete Deletes the domain and any sub-organizations it has.
This Domain is Authorized to Manage
Organizations Directly Underneath Domain Lists all organizations belonging directly to the domain.
Sub-domains Lists all sub-domains belonging directly to the domain.

Click on any of the organizations to open the organization's Account Settings pages.