The life of a sample support ticket


Request is Submitted

Kathy, who works at Joe's Law Firm, submits a ticket into XYZTech's Support portal. She receives an automated email acknowledging the request.


Ticket is Acknowledged

Jim, an XYZ technician, claims the ticket. He sends a response through Service Desk to let Kathy know that he is working on the issue.


Initial Work Begins

Jim does not have a backlog, so he moves the ticket to "Immediate Work", sets the sub status to "In Progress" and gets started.


Remote Work Performed

Jim assigns the ticket to Kathy's Organization and maps the asset to the correct machine. He then starts the timer and initiates a Take Control session from the ticket.


Materials Required

Unfortunately, bad hardware is the issue. Since it is not urgent, he orders the item, sets the status to "Hold" and sub status to "Waiting: Materials", updates Kathy via Service Desk and stops the timer.


Wait in Pending Queue

To keep things organized and avoid cluttering the view of things that can actually be worked on, this ticket is moved to the "Pending Work" queue until the part arrives.


On-site Work Performed

When the part arrives, the ticket is moved back to "Immediate Work" as a scheduled visit. Once complete, Jim logs his hours, closes the ticket and moves to the "To be Processed" queue.


Ticket is Processed

Tom, the owner of XYZTech, handles all billing. When next he processes a batch of tickets, he determines that the hourly work as covered under Joe's Law Firm's monthly contract and just bills for the materials.


Ticket is Filed

Tom files the processed Ticket under "Filed (Managed Services)". Later on, he knows where to access this particular ticket or where to run an export to include in analysis and reporting.