NetPath FAQs
There is no hard limit to the number of paths you can add to a device.
We have seen minor performance degradation as the number of paths increase. However, this is unlikely to affect performance when probing up to 20 paths.
Current testing indicates that the NetPath agent uses 60MB of RAM, negligible network bandwidth and less than 300 MB drive space. CPU performance is dependent on the number of configured paths and is expected to run at less than 5-25% of available CPU resources.
There is not a separate enable NetPath option. The NetPath agent automatically installs the first time a path is setup on a Device. Please see NetPath Agent Installation for further details.
At least .Net 4.5 is required for NetPath. Where this version is not installed on the device, it is automatically deployed by the NetPath Agent.
The NetPath agent service is called AdvancedMonitoringNetpathAgent. This service starts automatically and restarts on a failure (2 times).
By default installs to the following locations:
C:\Program Files\NetPath
C:\Program Files\WinPcap
NetPath uses:
- ICMP over type 11 to discover network paths, must be allowed inbound to the device running the NetPath agent.
- TCP over the entered path port to discover the service status
- TCP over port 43 to query IP ownership and other information about the discovered IP addresses, must be allowed outbound from the device running the NetPath agent.
NetPath is available for Windows servers and workstations.
NetPath uses WinPcap, a Windows packet capture library.
NetPath access is limited to those users with NetPath (Usage and/or View) Roles and Permissions enabled.
Paths must be unique. Identical, duplicate paths (including ports) on the same server are not supported.
Although we recommend dynamically generate (which harnesses NetPath technologies to analyze the path statistics for each interval and set the appropriate threshold levels) we have included the ability to set your own status thresholds. Choose custom during path creation and enter the warning and critical levels for both the Endpoint Latency Threshold and Endpoint Packet Loss Threshold.
The last 30-days data is available (depending on when the path was added) and can be viewed in the Path History chart.
NetPath does not support polices, individual paths are added for each device.
By default, a NetPath Check is added for each path. Depending on your configuration, a notification (email, SMS, PSA ticket) is generated when the Check fails and subsequently passes.
This indicates most current time interval is not populated with data. The probe may be actively running or there may be a gap in the data. Select one of the green bars in the bottom path history chart to display the most current, complete map.
Where the NetPath agent cannot communicate with the cloud service, this is only reported in the NetPath section (a gray tab in the Path History chart). It is not displayed on the All Devices view.
Yes, paths executed over a VPN connection may show a small number of hops which is not representative of the true internet path.
Paths are removed from the NetPath section and when all paths are deleted for a device, its NetPath agent is uninstalled. Please note, deletion is a non-recoverable action that removes both the path, its associated history and NetPath Check. Please see: Remove a Network Path and Deactivate NetPath for further details.