Disable Circular Logging

To offer an enhanced solution, standalone Cove Data Protection (Cove) replaced Backup & Recovery. Where Backup & Recovery has been enabled and continues to be so for devices, the options presented here are still available.

If Backup & Recovery options are not present in your N-sight RMM, you need to use Cove.

To start a 30-day free trial of Cove, click the app switcher in the Product bar, and select Cove Data Protection (Cove).

Circular Logging was designed to prevent the build up of transaction logs (used for restoring data) and save space on the Microsoft Exchange server.

Rather than write to multiple transaction logs, Circular Logging writes to a maximum of four logs. When the fourth log is full it begins sequentially overwriting the first, second, third and fourth logs and once the fourth log is full it cycles around to the first log again.

As Circular Logging overwrites the transaction logs it may result in the availability of only the last full backup for restoration, as such we suggest disabling Circular Logging before running the Exchange Backup Plugin (data source).


In all cases once circular logging has been disabled it is advisable to Restart the Microsoft Exchange Information StoreService via Start > Run > services.msc

Please note: mailboxes and public folders are unavailable to users while the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service is in the process of restarting.

Microsoft Exchange 2003

  1. Logon to the Exchange server as an Administrator
  2. Open the Exchange System Manager: Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange > System Manager
  3. Expand the console tree to display the required Storage group: Servers > <Server Name> > <Storage Group Name>
  4. Right-click on the Storage group and select Properties.
  5. In the <Storage Group> Properties dialog clear the Enable Circular Logging tick box to disable circular logging
  6. Click OK to apply and select Yes to the next prompt
  7. Ensure Circular Logging is disabled for each storage group to be backed up

Microsoft Exchange 2007

  1. Logon to the Exchange server as an Administrator
  2. Open the Exchange Management Console: Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange > Exchange Management
  3. Expand the console tree to display the required Storage group: Server Configuration > <Mailbox>
  4. In the center pane right-click on the required Storage group and select Properties
  5. In the <Storage Group> Properties dialog clear the Enable Circular Logging tick box to disable circular logging
  6. Click OK to apply and select Yes to the next prompt
  7. Ensure Circular Logging is disabled for each storage group to be backed up

Microsoft Exchange 2010 and Microsoft Exchange 2013 (Circular Logging: disabled by default)

  1. Logon to the Exchange server as an Administrator
  2. Open the Exchange Management Console: Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange > Exchange Management
  3. Expand the console tree to display the required Storage group: Organization Configuration > <Mailbox>
  4. In Database Management right-click on the required Storage group and select Properties
  5. In the <Storage Group> Properties dialog clear the Enable Circular Logging tick box to disable circular logging
  6. Click OK to apply and select Yes to the next prompt
  7. Ensure Circular Logging is disabled for each storage group to be backed up