DHCP Servers and Network Discovery
Where the Network Discovery Agent acts as the current discoverer for the network, it may use UDP Port 67 during its discovery scans.
DHCP servers also use port 67 to initiate communication between the client and server on the network. If port 67 is used by another application, DHCP will fail to function. Clients use port 68.
To alleviate the potential for conflict over port 67, we would suggest disabling the Network Discovery Agent on any DHCP servers Network Discovery is currently enabled on. This action ensures the Network Discovery Agent on a DHCP server cannot become a network discoverer and subsequently use port 67.
- In the All Devices view North-pane, right-click the DHCP server and select Edit Server > Network Discovery.
- Change Setting: to either Use Policy Setting (Off) or Off.
- OK to apply.
The above instructions cover disabling the Network Discovery Agent on a specific device. Where Network Discovery is enabled for other Windows devices on the network, these use port 68 and will continue to report information back to the All Devices view, run scans etc. without affecting DHCP performance.