PSA Integration Problem Reporting

Problems experienced with the PSA integration are reported in the All Devices view in the following areas:

  • Issues section
  • Outages tab and More Information dialog, if the problem relates to a Check

Issues section

To view the reported problems with the integration:

  1. On the All Devices view, go to Settings > PSA Integration > Issues

    The PSA Issues dialog shows a list of Issue details and suggested actions

  2. You can filter issues using the drop-down menu to display All Issues, Retrying Issues or Failed Issues
  3. To retry an action or to ignore an issue, tick the box for one or more issues and then select Retry selected or Ignore selected
  4. Select Exit to close

Outages tab and More Information dialog

Outages tab

To view Check specific problems in the Outages tab:

  1. On the All Devices view North-pane, select the target device
  2. On the South-pane, go to the Outages tab
  3. Click PSA Integration
  4. Errors messages are displayed in the PSA Ticket column

More Information dialog

  1. On the All Devices view North-pane, select the target device
  2. On the South-pane, go to the Checks tab
  3. Select the More Information link for the target Check

    The More Information dialog shows Check Info, Current Outage and Outage History information. The Current Outage tab is available if the Check is in a failing state.

  4. Go to the Current Outage tab to view the error message

    The Outage History tab displays a list of all failures for the Check. Click an instance to open the Outage Info dialog for further details including PSA Ticket Status. If the outage generated a ticket, the ticket number displays with the option to View ticket in PSA.