Install / Remove Software (Windows)

These Automated Tasks are added as per Manage Automated Tasks with the task being manually configured at the point of being added.

The below tables detail each of the tasks configuration fields, however, the software being installed or removed will dictate which of these fields should be configured, so the generic examples shown will need to be customized to your specific requirements.

Automation Manager System Automated Tasks (AM)

Automated Tasks designated as AM are created using the Automation Manager.

Install software from Amazon (AM)

Script Type: PowerShell

This script downloads software from the specified AWS bucket and installs it on the target device.

Prerequisite: This script uses modules included in the AWS SDK for .NET, for example the AWSPowerShell cmdlet. To ensure the script runs successfully, the AWS SDK for .NET (including AWS Tools for PowerShell) must be installed on the computer before running the software installation script.

The AWS SDK for .NET MSI installer (including AWS Tools for PowerShell) is available for download from Amazon. (Please note, we are not responsible for the content of external websites.).

Field Note Example Parameters
Local File

Name and location the file is downloaded as


Installer Log File

Specify the Installer Log File location


No Restart

Prevent restart after installation, even where required

True or False

Force Restart

Force restart after installation, whether required or not

True or False

Amazon Bucket Name

The name of the Amazon bucket containing the file

Amazon Remote File

Name of the remote file


Amazon Access Key

The Amazon access key


Amazon Secret Key

The Amazon secret key


Has Additional File

Whether an additional file is required for the install

True or False

Additional Remote File

Name of the additional remote file


Additional Local File

Name and location the additional file is downloaded as



Is the file an executable

True or False

Command Line Arguments

Add command line parameters to be run when the program installs, for instance silent install parameters, license key details (optional)


Wait To Delete

Length of time to wait before deleting the downloaded file (seconds)


Install software from FTP (AM)

Script Type: PowerShell

This script downloads software from the specified FTP site and installs it on the target device.

Field Note Example Parameters
Local File

Name and location the file is downloaded as


Installer Log File

Specify the Installer Log File location


No Restart

Prevent restart after installation, even where required

True or False

Force Restart

Force restart after installation, whether required or not

True or False

FTP User

The user name to be used in making the FTP connection.


FTP Host

The name of the host of the FTP site.

FTP Password

The password to be used in making the FTP connection.


FTP Remote File

The name of the file to be downloaded.



Is the file an executable

True or False

Command Line Arguments

Add command line parameters to be run when the program installs, for instance silent install parameters, license key details (optional)


Additional Local File

Name and location the additional file is downloaded as


Additional Remote File

The file name of the additional file to be downloaded.


Has Additional File

Whether an additional file is required to install the software

True or False

Wait To Delete

Length of time to wait before deleting the downloaded file (seconds)


Install software from a Server (AM)

Script Type: PowerShell

This script retrieves software from the specified server and installs it on the target device.

Field Note Example Parameters
Server User Name

User with permissions to access the server


Local File

Name and location the file is downloaded as


Remote File

The name of the file to be downloaded.


Server Password

User's password


Installer Log File

Specify the Installer Log File location


No Restart

Prevent restart after installation, even where required

True or False

Force Restart

Force restart after installation, whether required or not

True or False

Has Additional File

Whether an additional file is required to install the software

True or False

Additional Remote File

The file name of the additional file to be downloaded.


Additional Local File

Name and location the additional file is downloaded as



Is the file an executable

True or False

Command Line Arguments

Add command line parameters to be run when the program installs, for instance silent install parameters, license key details (optional)


Wait to Delete

Length of time to wait before deleting the downloaded file (seconds)


Install software from a URL

Script Type: PowerShell

This script retrieves software from the specified URL and installs it on the target device.

Field Note Example Parameters
Source URL Publicly accessible URL of the .exe or .msi file to download and install.

The URL must be a direct link to the installer, where the link includes a redirect it will fail to download and run the installer.

Download to

The location the software is downloaded to, supports system variables


Run File

Check box to run the program after download. Please note that only programs with a silent installer will run, those that require user interaction are downloaded but not executed.

Run Parameters

Add command line parameters to be run when the program installs, for instance silent install parameters, license key details (optional)


Uninstall Application (MSI) (AM)

Script Type: PowerShell

Uninstalls the specified application, where it is already installed on the device.

Only software deployed with an MSI installer can be removed. EXE files cannot be uninstalled.

Field Note Example Parameters
Application Name

The name of the installed application to uninstall. The asterisk * cannot be used as a wildcard.

Superfluous Software 101