Clustered fail over status (NetApp) Check

The Clustered Fail over Status (NetApp) Check monitors the status of the clustered failover capabilities of a NetApp SAN.

For more information, see

Basic Check information

Check Type SNMP
Supported Systems/Application Any NetApp SAN that supports the NETAPP MIB
Time to Stale 30

$Settings -

$State -

$Reason -

$PartnerStatus -

$LastPartnerContact -

$PartnerName -

$InterconnectStatus -

Supported Device Class Storage


Issue Corrective Action
Failed Please check that the correct SNMP community string is configured in Network Discovery for the device
201 Exception OID_TYPE_NOSUCHOBJECT Missing OID object on the device for specific metric

Output values

Metrics Default Thresholds Units Formulae Notes
Failover State Range 0 2 N/A $State

The Failover State metric is mapped...

Normal: 2

Warning: 4

Failed: 1, 3

... where ...

1 = Dead

2 = Can Takeover

3 = Cannot Takeover

4 = Takeover

Normal 0 0
Warning 1 1
Failed 2 2
Failover State Description N/A N/A $State  
Failover Settings Range 0 1 N/A $Settings

The Failover Settings metric is mapped...

Normal: 2

Failed: 1, 3, 4, 5

... where ...

1 = Not Configured

2 = Enabled

3 = Disabled

4 = Takeover by Partner Disabled

5 = This Node Dead

Normal 0 0
Failed 1 1
Failover Settings Description N/A N/A $Settings  
Failover Readiness Range 0 1 N/A $Reason  
Normal 0 0
Failed 1 1
Failover Readiness Description N/A N/A $Reason  
Failover Partner Status Range 1 3   $PartnerStatus

The Failover Partner Status metric is mapped...

Normal: 1

Failed: 2-6

... where ...

1 = OK

2 = Unknown Reason

3 = Disabled by Operator

4 = Interconnect Offline

5 = Disable by Partner

6 = Takeover Failed

Normal 2 2
Warning 1 1
Failed 3 3
Failover Partner Status Description N/A N/A $PartnerStatus  
Time Since Last Partner Contact Range 0 4294967295 Seconds $LastPartnerContact / 100  
Normal 0 100
Warning 99 1000
Failed 999 4294967295
Failover Partner Name N/A N/A $PartnerName  
Interconnect Status Range 0 1 N/A $InterconnectStatus

The Interconnect Status metric is mapped...

Normal: 4

Failed: 1-3

... where ...

1 = Not Present

2 = Down

3 = Partial Failure

4 = Up

Normal 0 0
Failed 1 1
Interconnect Status Description N/A N/A $InterconnectStatus