
Mail Assure provides the following reports:

  • Email Scout Reports - Used to send reports to users of messages matching any chosen criteria e.g. quarantined/bounced/queued over any selected time frame at any user level e.g. Admin/Domain/Mailbox
  • SIEM Logging Integrations - Used for sending message metadata to external logging systems i.e. Splunk/Remote Syslog
  • Generate Outgoing Report - Used for sending custom reports detailing outgoing mail for domains for a given time frame and can be done for individual or multiple domains
  • Usage Report - Used provide details for the current month, and allow you to examine usage for specific days, Admins or Domains and export these as custom CSV files
  • Protection Reports (Legacy) - Used to list incoming spam messages that have been quarantined in the previous 24 hours and reports are sent at predefined time

    Mail Assure's Protection Reports are due to be deprecated in the near future. Please switch to using Email Scout Reports at your earliest convenience and use these for all future reporting.

In the Reporting section of Mail Assure, the following templates:

  • Dashboard Report Templates - Used to customise the format of your dashboard reports

    This feature is currently under development

  • Managed Outbound Lock Notification Templates - Used to assign a specific lock template to be applied to the email notification that is sent to a you (or your Sub-admin(s)) when an outgoing user/identity is automatically locked