Main Class: Block list
Block listing can be applied to a large number of characteristics of a message.
All mail which has an aspect that matches a Block list rule will display with the main class of Block list.
Messages with a Main Class of Block list can have any of the following Sub Classes:
Sub Class:

The message was larger than the maximum permitted size.
These messages are rejected immediately without being quarantined.

The local part of the recipient address contained characters that were not permitted by the user's settings.
These messages are rejected immediately without being quarantined.

The message contained an attachment type that was not permitted by the user's settings.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the file extension of the attachment.

The message contained an attachment that is password protected, and the user's settings did not permit that.

The sending server identified itself using characters not permitted by the user's settings.
These messages are rejected immediately without being quarantined.

The sending server's IP address was on the user's IP Block list.

The message appeared to be a bounce, but was sent to multiple recipients.
The SMTP RFC indicates that null sender emails (bounces) can never be sent to multiple recipients, so there may be a misconfiguration on the mailserver.

The message's headers matched a custom filtering rule used specifically to define message header content to be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The message's body matched a custom filtering rule used specifically to define message body content to be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The message contained a type of attachment that matched a custom filtering rule where the attachment type was to be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The message contained an attachment with a recommended name that matched a custom filtering rule where the attachment name was to be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The message's content matched a custom filtering rule where the rule was set to be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The sending server identified itself in a way that matched a custom filtering rule where the server should be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The recipient matched a custom filtering rule where the recipient should be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The sender matched a custom filtering rule where the sender should be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The envelope sender matched a custom filtering rule, and was verified as authentic via SPF to be Block listed or Allow listed.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The sender's IP address matched a custom filtering rule.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The sender's hostname matched a custom filtering rule.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

A URL or domain name in the message matched a custom filtering rule.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the name of the rule that has been matched.

The recipient address matched an address in the user's Allow list or Block list, or filtering was disabled for the mailbox.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the recipient address that has been matched.

The message sender matched an address in the user's Allow or Block list.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the sender address that has been matched.

The sending server has exceeded the maximum amount of concurrent SMTP connections that can be made in the time limit.
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the number of concurrent SMTP connections and the time limit.
E.G. 10 / 1m / recipient

The message sender matched a Domain in the Customer's Block Top Level Domains list as configured in Customer Management Settings > Protection Settings > General settings > Block Top Level Domains
Extra Class
The Extra Class for messages with this Sub Class will show the sender Domain that has been matched.