Managed Installation of Backup Manager

We strongly do not recommend downgrading Backup Manager to a lower version after installation is complete. In cases where the Backup Manager has been downgraded, we cannot guarantee the application will function correctly.

System administrators can quickly install the Backup Manager on multiple machines using the Managed installation method (previously known as Automatic Deployment or quick installation).

This automates the operations for device creation, installation and setup on multiple machines.

A single executable file is good for multiple installations for the specified customer

Managed Installation is available on Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems.


  • A SuperUser account is required at the reseller or end-customer level

    Please request assistance from your service provider if your access permissions are insufficient.

  • The Automatic Deployment option must be enabled at the customer level. See Enable Automatic Deployment for further details


Step 1: Add device

Adding devices for installation:

  1. Log in to the Console under a SuperUser account belonging to a reseller or end-customer
  2. Click Add devices, select Servers and Workstations
  3. Select the Customer to install the device for from the dropdown

  4. Select a Retention Policy to apply to the device

    Classic Retention Policies (previously created Products) may also be used, though we would recommend switching to New Retention Policies at your earliest convenience. See Retention Policies for full details.

  5. Select a Profile to apply to the device

    This is optional. If none is selected, the default is a 24 Hour RPO.

    See Profiles for full details.

  6. Select the Operating System between:
    1. Windows
    2. macOS
    3. Linux (64-bit)
  7. Choose the Managed Encryption method
  8. Click Next
  9. Confirm the settings, then Download the Backup Manager installer for the device(s)

    A single executable file is good for multiple installations for the specified customer

    Do not change the name of the installation package. It contains unique information relating to the installation.

  10. Click Finish
  11. Run the Installation package on the device(s) where the backup is required
  12. If the installer does not run after downloading and attempting to run, check the properties of the install file to ensure that it has not been blocked by your system upon download or attempt to run as the Administrator on the device.

    The installation is silent, so no additional pop-ups or prompts will display on the device.

Step 2: Run the installer

Ways to run the installation package:

  • Double-click on the installer executable
  • Submit the name of the installer to command line, terminal emulator or a software distribution system. For example: cove#24.10.102#ab1234c5-67d8-9ef0-g1h2-i34j56k789lm#.exe or

The installation is silent, so no additional pop-ups or prompts will display on the device.

Do not change the name of the installation package. It contains unique information relating to the installation.

Optional: Include Additional Parameters (Windows and Linux)

On Windows and Linux devices you can run the installation command with additional optional Proxy parameters if required.

Proxy Settings Parameters
Windows Parameter Linux Parameter Description Supported Values (Windows) Supported Values (Linux)
-use-proxy --use-proxy This setting prompts the Backup Manager to connect to the Internet through a proxy server.
  • 1 (use a proxy connection)
  • 0 (do not use a proxy connection) – default
  • true (use a proxy connection)
  • false (do not use a proxy connection) – default
-proxy-type --proxy-type The type of the proxy server
  • HTTP
  • SOCKS4
  • SOCKS5
  • HTTP
  • SOCKS4
  • SOCKS5
-proxy-address --proxy-address The host name or IP address of the proxy server IP address or host name, for example or IP address or host name, for example or
-proxy-port --proxy-port The port number of the proxy server Number (0 by default) Number (0 by default)
-use-proxy-authorization --use-proxy-authorization Prompts the Backup Manager that the proxy requires authorization by username.
  • 1 – the proxy requires authorization
  • 0 – the proxy does not require authorization (default)
  • true – the proxy requires authorization
  • false – the proxy does not require authorization (default)
-proxy-username --proxy-username A username for access to the proxy server Text, for example domain\username or username Text, for example domain\username or username
-proxy-password --proxy-password A password for access to the proxy server Text Text