Backup Manager Restore-Only Mode - Linux

Restore-only installation steps

If you want to install the device in restore-only mode, installation is done through an interactive installation process.

  1. Log in to the system as a root:
  2. % sudo -i

  3. Download the RUN installer suitable for your distribution from the Management Console's Downloads page:
  4. # wget

  5. Grant the installer execute permissions:
  6. # chmod +x

  7. If required, you may change the predefined installation folder:
  8. By default, the Backup Manager is installed to /opt/MXB. If you wish to install the software to the /usr mount (for example because it has more free space), you should create symlinks for it. For example:

    # ln -s /usr/local/MXB /opt/MXB

  9. Start the installer without additional installation parameters:
  10. # ./

  11. You will be asked to provide parameters for the installation including device name, installation key (previously known as password) and Encryption Key/Security Code or Passphrase
  12. The device name and installation key can both be found in the Settings tab of the device in the Management Console.

  13. If a previous installation is detected for the device details given, you will receive a message stating:
  14. This contract is already in use
    You can either use this contract, abort configuration or install application in restore only mode [u/a/R]:
    • u: use contract for normal backup install
    • a: abort the configuration
    • R: install device using restore-only mode
  15. Select R here for Restore-Only mode installation
  16. Allow the installation to complete, this will display -- Done once finished

Enable Restore-Only Mode

If you have installed Backup Manager on the device using the normal Backup Manager Restore-Only Mode - Linux above and wish to convert this normal version of backup to use restore-only mode, you can do this by following the below steps:

  1. Open the config.ini file. The following example command with Nano installed will open the config.ini file for editing:
  2. sudo nano -w /opt/MXB/etc/config.ini

  3. Under the [General] section check for an instance of RestoreOnlyMode=0
  4. If this exists change =0 to =1
  5. If this does not exist, add it as above to the [General] section
  6. This is case sensitive so please ensure it is added correctly and without spaces.

  7. Close the file by using Ctrl+X
  8. Save the changes to the file
  9. Y

  10. Restart the service using one of the following commands:
    • Restart the service with systemctl:

      $ sudo systemctl restart ProcessController

    • OR restart with service:

      $ sudo service ProcessController restart

    • OR restart with SysV script:

      $ sudo /etc/init.d/ProcessController restart

Disable Restore-Only Mode

If you have a device which has had Backup Manager installed in restore-only mode and you wish to convert this to a normal version of backup, this can be done by following these steps:

  1. Open the config.ini file. The following example command with Nano installed will open the config.ini file for editing:
  2. sudo nano -w /opt/MXB/etc/config.ini

  3. Under the [General] section check for an instance of RestoreOnlyMode=1
  4. If this exists change =1 to =0 or remove the line entirely
  5. Close the file by using Ctrl+X
  6. Save the changes to the file
  7. Y

  8. Restart the service using one of the following commands:
    • Restart the service with systemctl:

      $ sudo systemctl restart ProcessController

    • OR restart with service:

      $ sudo service ProcessController restart

    • OR restart with SysV script:

      $ sudo /etc/init.d/ProcessController restart