MS SQL Recovery

Backup Manager lets you recover databases powered by Microsoft SQL Server.


In order to restore MS SQL, the following requirements must be met:

  • Backup Manager must be installed on the machine that you want to recover the data to. It can be your MS SQL Server or any other Windows computer (Windows 7 or greater)
  • MS SQL must be installed on the machine you want to recovery the data to

If MS SQL is not installed, you can restore to a flat database and then import the file into MS SQL afterward.

Recovery Options

Like with other data sources, you can recover MS SQL databases to either of the following:

  • Original location
  • Intermediate location

Recovery to the Original Location

To recover MS SQL to the original location, leave the Restore to field blank. In that case the recovered data will be merged with the current data.

This feature requires SQL Server installation.

If you include the master database into your recovery selection, stop the SQL Server service before you start the recovery.

  1. Start the Services Console (services.msc)
  2. Right-click SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)
  3. Choose Stop from the context menu

When the recovery completes, you will need to start the SQL Server service again. It can be done through the Services Console or by rebooting the machine.

Recovery to an Intermediate Location

You can recover MS SQL to an intermediate location. It does not need the SQL Server installation. When the recovery completes, you will need to copy the recovered data to the target location manually.


Instructions on restoring data from this data source can be found on Recovering data in Backup Manager.