Continuity In Management Console

Management Console contains different continuity services that can be used for disaster recovery:


With these tools, we provide proof of recoverability and the ability to failover in case of a disaster.


The following requirements must be met:

  • The following must be backed up:
    1. The full System State of the device
    2. The whole system disk – C:\ or another disk that has your operating system and that the OS boots from (the Files and Folders data source)
  • For setup, you must be logged into the Backup console as a SuperUser or Manager

    To manage devices and recovery locations, any other user role will suffice.

  • You are required to enter the devices encryption key/security code, however, in cases where the device has been installed using Quick Installation of the Backup Manager you will be required to provide the passphrase instead

Operating System

Recovery Testing and Standby Images are available on Windows operating systems only (servers and workstations):

Recovery Testing and Standby Image only support 64-bit architecture.