Configure One-Time Restore to Hyper-V

Before starting a One-Time Restore to Hyper-V, ensure you have checked all requirements and limitations, including setting up a Recovery Location.

From Backup Dashboard

  1. Log in to the Management Console under a SuperUser account
  2. In the Backup Dashboard, tick the checkbox to the left of the device(s) to restore
  3. Click One-Time Restore

  4. Select the Hyper-V / VHDX target

  5. Select the Customer
  6. Select the Recovery Location for the restore or click + Add recovery Location to follow the steps to create a new Recovery Location

  7. Click Next
  8. Confirm compatibility of device(s) and click Next

  9. Enter the Encryption Key/Security Code or Passphrase for the device(s). This can be either:
    • Private encryption key - Created by yourself when installing Backup Manager on the device. If you have lost the Encryption Key/Security Code for the device, you will need to Convert devices to passphrase-based encryption
    • Passphrase encryption - These are generated on demand for automatically installed devices. You can find information on this here

    If you are logged in as a security officer, this will be detected automatically.

  10. Click Next
  11. Select the date and time of the backup session to restore

    During this step, all available sessions for all devices listed will be loaded in the backup session column. Please allow time for these to load, if the load of sessions fails, a message stating so will be displayed with a refresh button to try again.

    If the Backup Target VM option is enabled for one or more devices, be aware that if the backup agent is still running in backup mode on the source VM, this will lead to corrupted backup data for both the source and target VMs.

  12. Choose the restore format:
    • Hyper-V
    • Local VHDX
  13. Configure the Optional Recovery Settings for the restore format selected by clicking Optional Settings to the right of the storage location:

    • Hyper-V optional settings:

      • Restore OS disk only - Restoring the OS disk only will speed up restores
      • Backup target VM - Continuing to backup your target VM will protect the device according to its existing backup schedule
      • FRS and DFRS services - If you are restoring Active Directory with multiple domain controllers, you should change the FRS and DFSR services to authoritative in the domain controller that will be started in the first place. Avoid marking several FRS/DFSR services as authoritative in the production environment as it can result in data loss. When the feature is on, the FRS and DFSR services are started on the target VM in the authoritative mode. The NETLOGON and SYSVOL shares become available, so the Active Directory and DNS services become functional again

        More information about FRS/DFSR is available in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Article IDs: KB2218556 and KB290762

      • LocalSpeedVault - If a LocalSpeedVault (LSV) is enabled on a backup device, the data is sent to both the LSV and the cloud or private storage location. During a restore, data is automatically downloaded from the LSV first to the local device which makes restore faster. If the LSV is not available or not synchronized, the restore data will be pulled from the cloud or private storage location. This takes place automatically and cannot be reconfigured
      • CPU Cores - Select the number of CPU Cores to be allocated to the new virtual machine
      • RAM (GB) - Select the amount of RAM in Gigabites to be allocated to the new virtual machine
      • Virtual switch – Enter the Hyper-V network adapter that will be used by your new virtual machine
      • VM subnet mask – Assign a custom subnet mask to the virtual machine
      • VM gateway – Assign a custom gateway to the virtual machine
      • VM DNS servers – Assign the list of custom DNS servers (separated by comma), Example:
      • or,

      • VM IP address – Assign a custom IP address to the virtual machine
    • Local VHDX optional settings:

      • Restore OS disk only - Restoring the OS disk only will speed up restores
      • FRS and DFRS services - If you are restoring Active Directory with multiple domain controllers, you should change the FRS and DFSR services to authoritative in the domain controller that will be started in the first place. Avoid marking several FRS/DFSR services as authoritative in the production environment as it can result in data loss. When the feature is on, the FRS and DFSR services are started on the target VM in the authoritative mode. The NETLOGON and SYSVOL shares become available, so the Active Directory and DNS services become functional again

        More information about FRS/DFSR is available in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Article IDs: KB2218556 and KB290762

      • LocalSpeedVault - If a LocalSpeedVault (LSV) is enabled on a backup device, the data is sent to both the LSV and the cloud or private storage location. During a restore, data is automatically downloaded from the LSV first to the local device which makes restore faster. If the LSV is not available or not synchronized, the restore data will be pulled from the cloud or private storage location. This takes place automatically and cannot be reconfigured
  14. Click Next to progress to the Report window to enter one or more email addresses to receive a report when:
    1. The recovery is complete (Successful or Failed)
    2. The recovery was successful
    3. The recovery failed
    4. Multiple addresses should be separated using a comma or semi-colon

    If you do not want to add an email address to receive reports, click Skip this step

  15. To remove all branding from the reports, use the Remove Cove branding toggle per device, or above the device list to apply the changes to all devices in this window

  16. Confirm assigning the plan to the device(s)
  17. Wait for the plan to be assigned until you see a confirmation banner on the page

  18. Click Finish

From One-Time Restore Overview

  1. Log in to the Management Console under a SuperUser account
  2. Navigate to the One-Time Restore overview by selecting Continuity > One-time Restore from the vertical menu on the left hand side
  3. Click One-time restore from the top bar
  4. The wizard will open to target selection window, follow the above steps from Step #4 onwards

Recovery Reports

When the device(s) assigned to the plan have Successful recovery report email or Failed recovery report email recipient address(es) configured, and once the test has completed, those recipients will receive the report in their email inbox.

Here is an example report with Cove branding:

Here is an example without Cove branding: