Manual Installation on GNU/Linux

We strongly do not recommend downgrading Backup Manager to a lower version after installation is complete. In cases where the Backup Manager has been downgraded, we cannot guarantee the application will function correctly.

The most convenient way to install the Backup Manager on a GNU/Linux device is using the RUN installer.

The RUN installer comes in 2 versions:

  1. i386 – for 32-bit systems
  2. amd64 – for 64-bit systems

Ensure you use the correct one for the system before beginning

Precursor check:

Before beginning, check the bitness of your system first by running the following command in the command line of the device:

# uname -m

The response will be one of two:

  • x86_64 - you have a 64-bit system so you require the amd64 installer
  • i686- you have a 32-bit system so you require the i386 installer

Installation steps

Step 1: Add device

  1. Log in to the Console under a SuperUser account belonging to a reseller or end-customer
  2. Click Add devices, select Servers of Workstations
  3. Using the toggle in the upper right-hand corner of the wizard, enable Alternative install
  4. Select the Customer to install the device for from the dropdown
  5. Choose the Manual Installation method
  6. Give the device a memorable name
  7. Select a product for the device. The product determines the set of features and storage options allocated to the device (learn more). Applying a product to your device is an optional feature and during an emergency situation, we would not recommend doing this.
  8. Select Linux as the operating system
  9. Click next
  10. Download the Backup Manager installer or follow the instructions in Step 2:2

  11. You will need the Device name and Installation key for installation, so it is recommended you take a copy here, though these can be found at a later date from the device properties Settings tab if this is closed before taking a note.

  12. Click Finish to close the window

Step 2: Run installation commands

These steps detail running commands for a 32-bit system. If your device is a 64-bit system, replace i686 everywhere below with x86_64

  1. Log in to the device as a root user:

    % sudo -i

  2. Take a copy of the installer file downloaded in step 1: 10 above onto the device


    Download the RUN installer suitable for your distribution from the Management Console's Downloads page:

    # wget

  3. Grant the installer execute permissions:

    # chmod +x

  4. If required, you may change the predefined installation folder:
  5. # ln -s /usr/local/MXB /opt/MXB

    By default, the Backup Manager is installed to /opt/MXB. If you wish to install the software to the /usr mount (for example because it has more free space), you should create symlinks for it. For example:

  6. Start the installer and submit your installation parameters

    Additional parameters can be found in the Installation parameters on GNU/Linux page

    Do not forget to enclose values containing spaces or punctuation inside quotation marks.

    # ./ -- --user="ubuntu-admin" --password="dg224hs-0091" --passphrase="SECUR_ITY2014a" --use-proxy=false

    The -- attribute after the command name means that the parameters after it are specific to the Backup Manager. If your query contains a combination of parameters, use -- to separate the internal parameters of the RUN package from external ones belonging to the Backup Manager.

  7. If you submit the command without the installation parameters, you will be prompted to enter them one at a time
  8. Once all parameters have been entered the installer will run

Possible permission error

If the installer is extracted to your temp partition and that partition is mounted with the noexec option, it is possible to encounter a permissions error. To rectify the error, extract the installer to another directory that has execute permissions:

# ./ --target /other/tmp

As the TMPDIR is used for additional operations, directing this variable to the same location as the --target variable can help to avoid additional errors.

Bourne-based shells

For use with bash, ksh, zsh, etc. use the command:

# export TMPDIR=/path/to/target

C shells

For use with csh, tsch, etc. use the command:

# setenv TMPDIR /path/to/target