
No, they are not.
Cove Data Protection is not an Antivirus software and has no capability to scan files during backups or restores.

The storage size will not decrease until the files are outside of your retention.
If you use the default Retention Policy of 30 days, then the file size will decrease on the 31st day.
If you used an older Product, this will continue to be used after the switch to Retention Policies, classed as a 'Classic Policy'. The default Product retention was 28 days. If this was used, then the file size will decrease on the 29th day.
If using a custom Retention Policy or an existing custom Product, the file size will decrease the day after the retention/history limit is reached.
It is no longer possible to create custom Products. Custom Retention Policies can be set by creating a custom Retention Policy.

The Selected Size is the combined total of all data being backed up before it has been encrypted and compressed.
The Used Storage is the backup size after the data has been encrypted and compressed.

Yes. One drive can be used for multiple devices at the same time. It will auto-generate a directory for each device's seed data.

No. You will need to restore the data from the other backup product and back up that location.

Yes, you can. Some predefined filters apply though.

Yes, you can. See Enabling backups in Backup Manager for instructions.

Yes. The Backup Manager uses VSS Writers supplied by the operating system, as well as Volume Shadow Copy to create a virtual copy of your files before a backup begins. Volume Shadow Copy allows for backing up files that are open or not in use. Files can be backed up in a consistent state, even if they are open. After the backup has completed, the virtual copy is removed and the original file stays intact.

They are held in your temp directory: C:\Windows\Temp

The retention period is handled by the Retention Policy applied to the device. Please check the policy applied by going to Retention Policies in Management Console. If no custom policy is applied, the default retention is 30 days.

The backup will begin for the first scheduled backup but will get stuck in 'Uploading Backup Register' and will fail. Subsequent backups will not start.

We do not offer a local only backup option. A LocalSpeedVault is available to work in conjunction with cloud storage but not as a replacement for it.

- Windows: Backup Service Controller
- Linux: Process Controller
- Mac: BackupFP

You can add the 'LSV Status' column on dashboard by selecting it from the Columns dropdown > Miscellaneous.

Backup and Recovery time will depend on local environmental factors and the devices ability to upload, download and process data (list is not exhaustive):
- Processor Speed
- Available RAM
- Local bandwidth
- Disk write speed
Upload and download speed can be estimated using online calculators.
Factor in additional time for decryption and decompression of data.

Whenever a backup session is attempted either by a schedule or by starting manually, the Management Console and Backup Manager GUI will provide a status to advise.
Status | Meaning |
Failed | The session has failed due to some errors encountered during backup. |
Aborted | The session was manually canceled. |
Interrupted | The session was interrupted while it was processing. This could be because the backup service was stopped or another program has caused a conflict. |
Not Started | The session was not started. Could be due to the device having a bandwidth limitation interval, but a backup is scheduled to begin within this time-frame. |
Blocked | The session was blocked from running for some reason. |
Over Quota | The device has gone over the allocated storage space, check the product applied to the device. |
Completed With Errors | The session has completed but has encountered some problems during backup. The backup may be incomplete. |
Restarted | The session has been restarted because the backup service has been restarted or the device might have been rebooted during the backup process. |
Completed | The session has completed with no errors. |
In Process | The session is not yet finished running. |
In Process with Faults | The session is not yet finished running, but has encountered some problems during backup. The backup may be incomplete. |
No backups | There is no backup history for the device i.e. it is a new device. |
No Selection | There are no data sources configured for the device. |

The Management Console will update:
- After a restart of the Backup Service Controller service
- Every 15 minutes if an active backup is taking place
- Every 8 hours if no active backup is taking place

The files will be backed up as they are on the device.
Any files backed up before the device is infected will be fine, but all files backed up after it was infected will be affected.

Backup Manager does not support Sage Database backups. To backup these databases you will need to create a dump of the databases and backup this dump via the Files and Folders data source.

Backup Manager cannot see NSS filesystem volumes.

Differencing disks or AVHD(x) files are files containing the changes in data between the current backed up data set and the new one.
These files are created when you make a snapshot of a running machine. When the device is powered down, the AVHD(x) and VHD(x) files will merge.

Cove supports AES-256 for encrypting the user data during a backup.
AES-256 is a more secure but slower version of the AES-128 method which is not supported. Encryption is done at the client side (Workstation/Server) and all pieces of data are sent and stored fully encrypted.

Event ID's are listed below in the following format 'ID - Description':
- 10 - BackupFP started
- 51 - Backup Started
- 52 - Restore Started
- 101 - In Progress
- 102 - Failed
- 103 - Aborted
- 105 - Completed
- 106 - Interrupted
- 107 - Not Started
- 108 - Completed With Errors
- 109 - In Progress With Faults
- 110 - Over Quota
- 111 - NoSelection
- 112 - Restarted

There is no way to avoid the cleaning process. Once the process has started, it cannot be stopped.

Consistency checking is automatically done on the back-end periodically.
It is only recommended to run consistency checks manually if remote or local storage is not synchronizing and the restore sessions show (L) [local only].

Data is not sent again, as deduplication is done on the client side (workstation/server), and so will not reflect in the transferred size or in the used storage.
We detect that the file has changed and write those changes in the backup registry.

The location of the Temporary Files Directory can be changed on the Preference Tab of the Backup Manager:
- Launch the Backup Manager
- Select Preference tab
- Select Advanced
- In the field that displays Save temporary files to: type desired directory path

Drives that are marked as removable media by the operating system will not be detected for backup. The software will only detect USB drives that are mounted as fixed drives.

The blue arrow indicates that the directory is not local on the device.

The Backup Manager cannot filter any backup sessions based on a files modified time.

- Remove the schedule from the accounts Preferences tab on the Backup Manager GUI
- Modify the expiration date box on the Management Console
- Click on the device in the Management Console to open the Device Properties window
- Select the Settings tab
- Un-check the No Expiration box in the expiration date section and change the date as needed
- Save the changes before closing the properties window

Yes, backups can continue after a physical device has been virtualized.

Backup Manager will not see TimeMachine files as this is displayed as removable media which cannot be backed up at this time.

Additional devices show under the option to Launch Backup Client when the account is added to a restore only platform. These devices will remain in the list until they do not check in for 7 days.

You can increase the number of simultaneous connections made during a backup by allowing more of your computers resources to be used for the backup. This can be done by implementing the BackupThreadsCount
parameter within the config.ini file. By default, this is set to 4, but can be changed to any whole number between 1 and 10. Find more information on Updating configuration file here.

You may change the storage location of the local Backup Register by adding the PathToLocalStorage
parameter to the config.ini file and directing this to the new location.
The default locations are:
- Windows:
C:\ProgramData\MXB\Backup Manager\storage\
- Linux:
- macOS:
/Library/Application Support/MXB/Backup Manager/storage/

Yes. This can be done by using the ReadOnlyMode
parameter in the config.ini file and setting the value to =1
. Restore-only mode is useful if you wish to temporarily disable backups on a machine but not uninstall the Backup Manager completely. Changing this back to =0
will turn the device back to full mode. Find more information on Updating configuration file here.