Modify service plans

You can modify the service plan for a selected assignment from the Product Licenses page or from a user's details.


  • You must be assigned the License Administrators role scoped to the tenant.

Modify service plans from the Product Licenses page

  1. In the left navigation, select  Licenses >Product Licenses.
  2. Use the customer selector to choose the customers where you want to assign licenses.
  3. Search or filter to find the product license where you want to modify service plans, and select the arrow left of the product name to show all the current user assignments.

    The user assignments for the product license display below the row.

    Click in the user row to view a user's services in the right panel and click the pencil icon to edit services.

  4. Select the action menu for a user and select Configure services.

    The Configure Services dialog shows the currently configured services with selected checkboxes.

  5. Select or clear the checkboxes to modify the services for the user and select Confirm.

    It may take a few minutes for your changes display for the user. Refresh the page from the top of the dialog to see your changes.

Modify the service plans from the user details page

  1. In the left navigation, select Identity > Users.
  2. Use the customer selector to choose the customers from where you want to select users. If the user list is empty or you can't find a specific user, refresh the page to show the most recent data.

    The user list displays. You can filter and search the data, choose the columns to display, and export to Microsoft Excel. See Navigation and tools for table options.

  3. Select the user's name to view the details.
  4. On the Licenses tab, select the checkbox for license you want to edit.

  5. Select Configure services.

    The Configure Services dialog shows the currently configured services with selected checkboxes.

  6. Select or clear the checkboxes to modify the services for the user and select Next.
  7. Review your selections. If you need to make changes, select Back. Otherwise, select Confirm.

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Updated: Mar 03, 2025