Veeam Job Monitor service

The Veeam Job Monitor service monitors an individual Veeam data backup job. For information on monitoring Veeam backup jobs with N-able N-central, see timezone.

Service TypeAutomation Manager Policy
Instances on a Device100
Supported Systems/ApplicationsVeeam Backup and Replication 6.5, 7, 8, and 9.x
Device ClassLaptop - Windows, Server - Windows, and, Workstation - Windows
Monitored ByAgent
Scan Interval in MinutesThe time between each scan.
Job NameThe identifying name of the Veeam backup job the service monitors.
Service IdentifierThe unique identifier assigned to this instance of the service.


Metric NameDescription
Last Job ResultThe result of the monitored job the last time that it was run.
Job NameThe name of the Veeam backup job monitored by the service.
Job State

The current state of the Veeam backup job monitored by the service as:

  • Stopped
  • Started
Job Type

The type of Veeam backup job monitored by the service from one of:

  • Replication
  • Migration
  • VM Copy
  • File Copy
Time Since Last Run (Hours)The amount of hours since the last time that the monitored job was run.
Start TimeThe time when the monitored job started running.
Duration (Minutes)The amount of time it took for the monitored job to run.
Stop TimeThe time when the monitored job finished running.
Backup Size (KBytes)The compressed size of the data.
Compress RatioThe amount the original data was reduced in size by compression as a percentage.
Data Size (KBytes)The original size of the data prior to being compressed.
Dedupe RatioThe ratio of the amount of data prior to de-duplication compared to the amount of data after de-duplication has taken place.
Job IDThe unique identifier of the Veeam backup job monitored by the service.
Job Result Status

The results of the Veeam backup job that is being monitored mapped as follows:

  • 0 - Success
  • 1 - Working
  • 2 - Warning
  • 3 - Failed