Add a Last Recovery Point Export task

Last Recovery Point Export tasks export the most recent Backup Manager Recovery Point to designated locations. For more information on Backup Manager Recovery Points, refer to Backup Manager Profiles.

If you use filters for a task, N-able N-central uses a snapshot of the filter for the targeted devices to include in the task. This avoids potential unexpected behavior when running tasks in the future. If you need to apply a task to devices, it is best to use a scheduled task profile. This enables a task to apply to the devices using a rule.

This procedure can only be performed at the Service Organization level or Customer level.

  1. Click ConfigurationScheduled TasksAdd/Delete.

  2. Click Add >Last Recovery Point Export.
  3. Enter a descriptive Task Name.
  4. Select the security Credentials of the account that will be used to run the automation policy.
    • Select Use LocalSystem Credentials to use existing system level credentials to run the task.

    • Select Use Device Credentials to use existing device credentials to access the device for running the task.

    • Select Custom Credentials to specify a user name and password to use for this task.

    If N-able N-central cannot login using the configured device credentials, it defaults to the LocalSystem credentials.

  5. Select the current location of the recovery point and where you want it exported.
  6. Enter the required information when selecting a custom location. The path name must be in the form of a uniform naming convention (UNC) path.

  7. Click the Targets tab and selected the devices targeted for the policy task by selecting specific devices or using a filter.
  8. Click the Schedule tab and set a time when N-able N-central runs the task.
  9. In the Missed Executions options configure how far in the future N-able N-central should take action on a device that is currently offline, and how long it should wait, once the device powers on, before running the scheduled task.
    • On a recurring task, you can also set the task not to run the scheduled task if the next occurrence of the task will be launched near the time of the recurring schedule, to avoid conflicting task windows.
  10. Click the Notifications tab and configure N-able N-central to send a notification upon the successful completion of the task, or if the task fails to complete.
  11. Click Save.

The scheduled task is saved to the repository. N-able N-central runs the task at the configured time. When complete, and if configured to do so, N-able N-central sends a notification to the selected recipients in the format defined by their user profile.

If you choose to edit the task, the edits may not be applied to the task if it has been initiated. Edits are applied to completed tasks only if they are recurring tasks.