Step 2: Install the N-able N-central server upgrade
You can upgrade to N-able N-central 2024.3 by installing the upgrade file downloaded to your N-able N-central server or from N-ableMe.
- Log into the N-able N-central Administration Console using one of the following URLs:
- https://<Your Server Address>/admin
- https://<Your Server Address>:10000/
- On the Administrator Console under the Setup section, click Version Management.
- Choose one of the following:
- Select Install upgrade from local repository.
- Select an upgrade version from the list of available options.
- Select Install upgrade remotely.
- Click Browse and navigate to the .nsp file in N-ableMe
- Enter an e-mail address in the Notify this email address when complete field.
- Click Install.
If you selected the Remote Upgrade option, the .nsp file will now be uploaded to the N-able N-central server.
Please upload the .nsp upgrade file from a machine local to the N-able N-central server to avoid a file upload timeout on a slow internet connection.
Once the .nsp file is uploaded, or if you are installing from the local repository, the upgrade file will now be extracted to the N-able N-central server. This can take a few moments.
- Click Confirm to begin the installation.
N-central Direct upgrade |
Remote upgrade from download location |
The N-able N-central Web UI and services will be stopped and the upgrade will be applied.
You can monitor the progress of the N-able N-central upgrade from the server console.
Do not reboot the N-able N-central server during the upgrade process even if it appears unresponsive.
To continue, proceed to Step 3: Complete post-installation steps.