Patch and probe cache on remote sites

Patch and probe caches are a location within a customer environment where the probe downloads and stores Windows and third party patches for future distribution, and installers for various N-able N-central features, including new versions of the agent, and the metadata files used by the agents.

At a remote location, downloading patches and other software updates from the central main server cache can consume a lot of bandwidth, slowing down network and Internet performance. For example, if many devices need a patch update, this can really slow down the network. Depending on the location, the Internet access may not be as quick and reliable as in city hubs.

N-able N-central provides a way to allow the probe to create a cache on a remote server to store updates giving access to the probe for the site by granting it access. Granting access enables the central probe to store patch updates and agent files on the remote server that have been downloaded from the central server.

Remote devices needing updates can get them from the cache on the server local to them, eliminating the need to connect to the main server, saving bandwidth and allows for quicker download time.

To grant access to a site, when adding or editing a probe, click the Grant Access tab, and click the On toggle in the Caching column for the site.

For more information on caches see: