System Audit report

The System Audit report provides a log on any of the following actions in the system:

  • additions to the system
  • deletions from the system
  • modifications to the system
  • user sign in
  • user sign out

This report is divided into two sections and displays information for a time period that you specify. The first section displays the action that is being reported on, the customer names, and the time period. The second section of the report describes the action, the email address of the person who performed the action, and the time at which the action was performed.

The System Change service needs to be added to devices for this report to function. Otherwise No Data is returned.

You may see a discrepancy between the number of logged-in and logged-out sessions in this report. This happens because an expired session is handled differently from a logout session, and not recorded here.

This procedure can only be performed at the SO, Customer or Site level.

  1. Click Reports > Administrative > System Audit.
  2. Select the Start Date and Time and End Date and Time.
  3. Select the Action to report on from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the Customersto include, if applicable, from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the Maximum Number of Records to be Displayed.
  6. Click View Report.

The report appears on screen. You can email or save the report to your hard disk.