Apply profiles to mobile devices

Important Update: Please read our release note about important updates and limited functionality of our Mobile Device Management solution with the launch of our new Device Management for Apple (DMA). We recommend you enroll your iOS devices with DMA. Read more about migrating from MDM to DMA.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) profiles apply configuration settings to multiple devices. This allows for easier control of mobile devices to ensure they all have a consistent configuration. Applying profiles to mobiles devices saves time by being able to modify settings for multiple devices when there is a security or policy change for a customer.

For information on adding and configuring MDM profiles, see Mobile device management profiles.

  1. Click ViewsAll Devices and click the Mobile Devices tab.
  2. Select the check box next to the device(s) that you want to apply profiles.
  3. Click Apply Profile and select the type of Profile from the drop-down list box.
  4. Select a profile and click Apply.

The profile applied to the mobile device will take effect and update the device with the configured settings.